Displace example sentences
Related (10): replace, remove, dislocate, uproot, relocate, shift, move, transfer, swap, dislodge
"Displace" Example Sentences
1. The flood displaced many people from their homes.
2. The earthquake displaced thousands of residents.
3. Scientists fear that climate change may displace millions in coastal areas.
4. The refugees were displaced from their country due to war and violence.
5. The landslide displaced dozens of buildings from their foundations.
6. The hurricane displaced so many people that temporary shelters were set up.
7. The reservoir displaced an entire village when it was constructed.
8. New technology often displaces older, outdated methods of doing things.
9. Automation has displaced many jobs that were previously done by humans.
10. The tsunami displaced more people than any previous natural disaster.
11. Foreign products displaced domestic industries in many countries.
12. The crisis displaced hopes for a quick recovery.
13. Progress often displaces tradition.
14. New policies displaced the former leadership.
15. The newlywed couple moved to displace the bride's parents from their home.
16. The heavy object displaced liters of water when it was dropped in the tank.
17. Heating caused the liquid to expand and displace the air in the container.
18. The invasion displaced all sense of security and safety in the country.
19. The influx of new arrivals threatened to displace the established residents.
20. The patient's severe coughing displaced fluid in his lungs.
21. Her dreams of a big wedding were displaced by the reality of her small bank account.
22. The tank displaced enough water for 20 fish to swim comfortably.
23. The fireworks display displaced enough smoke to cause a minor traffic jam.
24. The heavy snow displaced many branches from the trees.
25. The reality of having to work displaced my hopes for early retirement.
26. The new bookstore threatened to displace the old family-owned shop.
27. The aggressive weed displaced all the native plants in the garden.
28. The incoming tide displaced large amounts of sand from the beach.
29. The solid object displaced enough liquid from the container to overflow it.
30. The passage of time seems to displace memories little by little.
31. The sturdy box was designed to displace a lot of weight without collapsing.
32. The surgery successfully displaced the tumor from the patient's brain.
33. The bully threatened to physically displace the weaker child from the playground.
34. Dropping a stone in water displaced enough liquid to fill a cup.
35. The earthquake displaced priceless artifacts from the museum shelves.
36. The intruder threatened to displace the residents from their home.
37. The passage of the storm displaced boats from their moorings.
38. New markets are threatening to displace old established ones.
39. Large objects have the ability to displace a lot of air.
40. Displaced air rushed into the container when it was opened.
41. The rising sea level threatens to displace entire island nations.
42. The fire displaced smoke throughout the entire building.
43. The invasion displaced all hopes for peace in the region.
44. The ship's displacement was measured in tons of water.
45. The new baby displaced her older sister as the center of attention.
46. The explorers sought to displace long-held myths about the region.
47. The heavy object displaced enough liquid to produce waves in the tank.
48. Progress often displaces outdated ways of thinking.
49. The incredible news momentarily displaced all negative thoughts from my mind.
50. The boxer threatened to physically displace his opponent from the ring.
51. New employees threatened to displace the status of established coworkers.
52. Violence threatened to physically displace residents from their neighborhood.
53. The hurricane's winds displaced debris into neighborhoods for miles.
54. The bulldozer displaced tons of dirt as it cleared the land.
55. The challenges of single parenthood threatened to displace all other priorities in her life.
56. The tornado displaced houses from their foundations and scattered them across fields.
57. Competition threatened to displace existing businesses.
58. The balloon displaced enough air to lift a small child into the sky.
59. Displaced hopes and dreams gave way to reality.
60. The argument threatened to physically displace the two roommates from their shared apartment.
Common Phases
1. The flood displaced hundreds of people from their homes.
2. The earthquake displaced thousands of residents in the city.
3. His new job displaced his family from their longtime neighborhood.
4. The expansion of the reservoir displaced many farmers from their lands.
5. The addition of the new wing displaced several departments within the building.
6. The new software update displaced the previous version from my computer.
7. The invaders displaced the native people from their territory.
8. The internal combustion engine displaced the steam engine as the primary mode of transportation.
9. The advent of smartphones displaced the demand for basic cell phones.
10. The new drug displaced the old medicine as the treatment of choice.
11. The hurricane displaced residents have been provided with temporary shelter and aid.
12. The liquid displaced the air when I filled the glass.
13. The helium balloon displaced air when it rose upwards.
14. The object displaced a large volume of water when I dropped it into the tank.
15. The tissues were displaced upon blunt trauma to the abdominal area.
16. The bones were displaced as a result of the fracture.
17. The bubble displaced the solution as it rose to the surface.
18. The new piece of furniture displaced others when it was placed in the room.
19. The growing puppy displaced the older dog as the favorite pet.
20. The candidate's speech displaced the issue of immigration to the forefront of the debate.
21. The design change displaces the controls to an awkward location.
22. The whirlpool displaced the paper boats as it grew stronger.
23. The rising tide displaced the boats tied to the dock.
24. The eruption of the geyser displaced tons of water into the air.
25. The introduction of trucks displaced the need for horses on farms.
26. The fluctuating market displaced the value of the stock.
27. The government minister was displaced in the next election.
28. The dictator was displaced in the military coup.
29. The rookie pitcher displaced the veteran from the starting rotation.
30. The new version of the software displaced the old one.
31. When compressed, the gases displaced air from the container.
32. The cyst displaced healthy tissue as it grew.
33. The tumor displaced nearby organs as it expanded.
34. The crowding displaced passengers from their seats on the train.
35. The soldiers displaced civilians from their homes during the invasion.
36. The jewel displaced color in the brilliant cut.
37. The paint displaced the dirt that had accumulated on the walls.
38. The layer of wax displaced water that had pooled on the surface.
39. The hips displaced her center of gravity as she walked.
40. The invading organism displaced the existing bacterial flora.
41. The younger sibling is displacing the older one as the favorite child.
42. The limestone blocks displaced an enormous amount of soil as they were cut.
43. The new policy displaces the old procedure as the standard operating protocol.
44. The changing winds displaced the migrating birds from their usual path.
45. The rapids displaced the canoe as it slid over the rocks.
46. The shifting sand dunes displaced the ancient structures.
47. The experiment displaced the accepted theory as the most plausible explanation.
48. The piston displaced air as it moved within the cylinder.
49. The new funding displaced the old stipend.
50. The foreign invaders displaced the native inhabitants from their ancestral lands.
51. The crowds displaced the spectators from the grandstands.
52. The marching army displaced thousands of villagers from their path.
53. The method displaced established techniques as the most effective approach.
54. The displaced families sought aid and assistance from government relief agencies.
55. The refugee camp housed thousands of people displaced by the civil war.
56. The buoy displaced seawater as it floated on the surface.
57. The rising tide displaced sand dollars from their hiding places in the sand.
58. The police officer displaced the protesters from the street.
59. The volcanic eruption displaced ash and debris across the countryside.
60. The force of the impact displaced gravel along the roadway.