Dissembled example sentences

Related (6): Concealed, disguised, feigned, masked, pretended, veiled.

"Dissembled" Example Sentences

1. I could tell from his tone that he had dissembled some information.
2. She dissembled her emotions so well that nobody knew she was upset.
3. The politician dissembled when asked about his voting record.
4. He dissembled about his whereabouts last night.
5. The criminal dissembled during questioning to avoid suspicion.
6. She dissembled her true intentions by acting friendly towards her enemy.
7. He dissembled the camera to fix the broken lens.
8. The detective realized the suspect was dissembling the truth during the interrogation.
9. The salesman dissembled the faults of the car to make a sale.
10. She dissembled her true identity to gain access to the secure building.
11. The actor dissembled his true emotions during the emotional scene.
12. The lawyer dissembled the evidence to make his case more convincing.
13. The spy dissembled his identity to infiltrate the enemy base.
14. He dissembled his feelings towards her to avoid confrontation.
15. The chef dissembled the ingredients in his cooking to create a unique flavor.
16. She dissembled the pieces of the puzzle to solve it.
17. The artist dissembled his brushstrokes to create a realistic painting.
18. The hacker dissembled the software to find the vulnerability.
19. He dissembled the computer to clean the dust inside.
20. The mechanic dissembled the engine to diagnose the problem.
21. She dissembled her reasons for leaving the job to avoid controversy.
22. The scientist dissembled the experiment to find the root cause of the failure.
23. The teacher dissembled the complex topic into simple terms for the students to understand.
24. The writer dissembled the story to create a plot twist.
25. The surgeon dissembled the organ to remove the tumor.
26. She dissembled her wardrobe to create a new outfit.
27. The musician dissembled the melody to create a new composition.
28. The architect dissembled the building design to adjust it to the client's requirements.
29. The historian dissembled the ancient artifacts to study their origin and use.
30. The coach dissembled the team's strategy to win the game.

Common Phases

1. She dissembled her true feelings; putting on a smile for the camera.
2. The politician dissembled his controversial stance; speaking in vague generalities to appease both sides.
3. He dissembled his nervousness; speaking with confidence and bravado.
4. She dissembled her disappointment; graciously accepting the consolation prize.
5. The spy dissembled his true identity; convincingly posing as a tourist.
6. He dissembled his disgust; politely declining the food offered to him.
7. She dissembled her frustration; calmly explaining the issue to her colleague.
8. The actor dissembled her exhaustion; expertly delivering her lines with energy and enthusiasm.
9. He dissembled his fear; methodically planning his escape.
10. She dissembled her sorrow; keeping a stoic expression as she broke the bad news.

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