Dissimulate example sentences

Related (10): disguise, conceal, mask, feign, pretend, simulate, bluff, hide, camouflage, falsify

"Dissimulate" Example Sentences

1. He tried to dissimulate his emotions but failed miserably.
2. She had to dissimulate her fear when she saw the snake in the garden.
3. He knew how to dissimulate his true intentions and appear harmless.
4. The spy had to dissimulate his identity to avoid detection.
5. She couldn't dissimulate her disappointment when she didn't get the job.
6. It was difficult for him to dissimulate his excitement when he won the lottery.
7. She had a talent for dissimulating her true feelings and thoughts.
8. The politician was skilled at dissimulating his motives to gain support.
9. He tried to dissimulate his exhaustion, but his coworkers could tell he was overworked.
10. She was an expert at dissimulating her guilt when caught in a lie.
11. Despite his efforts to dissimulate his nervousness, his shaky hands gave him away.
12. The magician knew how to dissimulate his tricks to impress his audience.
13. She had to dissimulate her outrage when she heard the insulting comments.
14. He mastered the art of dissimulation to protect himself from criticism.
15. The thief tried to dissimulate his identity by using a fake name.
16. She was too emotional to dissimulate her grief when her dog died.
17. He had to dissimulate his anger at the unfair treatment he received.
18. The actress had to dissimulate her Irish accent for the role.
19. She was able to dissimulate her lack of interest in the subject during the meeting.
20. He had to dissimulate his boredom during the long lecture.
21. The criminal was good at dissimulating his true intentions to avoid getting caught.
22. She tried to dissimulate her confusion, but her furrowed brow gave her away.
23. He had to dissimulate his embarrassment after being caught in an awkward situation.
24. She could dissimulate her accent to blend in with the locals.
25. He tried to dissimulate his surprise when she walked in unexpectedly.
26. She had to dissimulate her envy when her friend got a promotion.
27. The artist dissimulated his emotions and expressed them through his paintings.
28. He had to dissimulate his annoyance when the waiter got his order wrong.
29. She dissimulated her love for him, afraid of rejection.
30. He tried to dissimulate his emotions during the funeral, but tears streamed down his face.

Common Phases

1. I can tell that she's trying to dissimulate her true feelings;
2. He had to dissimulate his shock when he heard the news;
3. She was unable to dissimulate her disappointment at the outcome;
4. He tried to dissimulate his excitement when he won the prize;
5. It was difficult for her to dissimulate her anger when she saw what had happened;
6. He had to dissimulate his fear in order to maintain his composure.

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