Distraite example sentences

Related (8): absent-minded, preoccupied, unfocused, absent, absentminded, daydreaming, inattentive, scatterbrained

"Distraite" Example Sentences

1. She seemed a bit distraite, as if her mind was elsewhere.
2. His actions were scattered and his demeanor was generally distraite.
3. She glanced around the room, appearing somewhat distraite.
4. He tried to focus, but his thoughts were constantly pulling him in different directions, leaving him feeling distraite.
5. Her mind was so distraite that she forgot to pick up her phone before leaving the house.
6. He looked lost in thought, his eyes staring off into the distance in a state of distraite.
7. She was so distraite that she forgot to attend her scheduled meeting.
8. His frazzled behavior and distracted manner made it clear that he was feeling very distraite.
9. As she spoke, her distracted and distraite manner quickly became noticeable.
10. His state of extreme distraite caused him to lose track of time and he was almost late for his appointment.
11. She was so distraite that she accidentally left her keys in the car while rushing into the store.
12. His normally focused mind was now in a state of profound distraite.
13. She tried to concentrate, but her naturally frazzled state of mind made her feel extremely distraite.
14. His distracted demeanor was proof that he was seriously distraite and struggling to keep up with his responsibilities.
15. She was so distraite that she barely noticed the man walking towards her until he was right in front of her face.
16. His increasingly scatterbrained behavior made it clear that he was feeling very distraite.
17. She looked up from her papers in a state of complete distraite, struggling to remember what she was doing.
18. His preoccupied and distracted demeanor were signs that he was feeling extremely distraite.
19. She tried to stay focused, but her constantly split attention left her feeling very distraite.
20. His absentminded and aloof behavior made it clear that he was very distraite.
21. She was so caught up in her own thoughts that she was in a state of complete distraite.
22. His mind was constantly wandering, leaving him feeling completely distraite.
23. She tried to concentrate, but her overwhelmed and distracted state made her feel severely distraite.
24. His mind was definitely elsewhere, making his distracted and distraite behavior all the more apparent.
25. She looked up from her work in a state of total distraite, not even realizing that she had been staring into space for the past ten minutes.
26. His scattered and unfocused behavior confirmed that he was in a deep state of distraite.
27. She was so frazzled that she was practically in a state of perpetual distraite.
28. His mind was racing with so many thoughts that he was completely distraite to the world around him.
29. She was so caught up in her own thoughts that she didn't even notice the distraite waiter as he spilled a glass of water on the table.
30. His inability to remain focused and attentive was a clear sign that he was very distraite.

Common Phases

1. Elle est distraite en classe ;
2. Il est trop souvent distrait au travail ;
3. Les enfants sont facilement distraits ;
4. Sa distraction lui coûte cher ;
5. Elle est tellement distraite qu'elle en oublie souvent les choses importantes.

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