Doctors example sentences

Related (10): physicians, surgeons, specialists, practitioners, pediatricians, psychiatrists, cardiologists, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, neurologists

"Doctors" Example Sentences

1. The doctors worked tirelessly for hours in the operating room.
2. I have an appointment with my doctor next week.
3. The doctors analyzed the test results for any abnormalities.
4. A team of doctors attended to the critically ill patient.
5. Doctors recommend at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.
6. The patient's family expressed their gratitude towards the doctors.
7. The doctors performed a thorough physical examination before prescribing any medication.
8. The doctors suggested surgery as the best course of action.
9. My sister is studying to become a doctor.
10. The doctors explained the possible side effects of the treatment.
11. The doctors provided the patient with a detailed health plan.
12. The doctors monitored the patient's progress daily.
13. The doctors collaborated to find the best treatment for the patient's condition.
14. The doctors used advanced technology to perform the surgery.
15. The doctors were impressed with the patient's recovery.
16. The doctors prescribed antibiotics to treat the infection.
17. The doctors advised the patient to rest and take it easy.
18. Patients rely on their doctors for accurate medical advice.
19. The doctors educated the patient on proper nutrition and exercise.
20. The doctors maintained a calm and professional demeanor during the emergency.
21. The doctors assessed the patient's symptoms before making a diagnosis.
22. Medical students study for years to become successful doctors.
23. The doctors recommended a specialist for the patient's unique condition.
24. The doctors considered the patient's medical history before administering any treatment.
25. The doctors' expertise saved the patient's life.
26. Many doctors choose to specialize in a specific area of medicine.
27. The doctors used anesthesia to reduce the patient's pain during the procedure.
28. The patient trusted the doctors and followed their advice.
29. The doctors acknowledged the importance of mental health in overall wellbeing.
30. The doctors worked together to provide quality care for their patients.

Common Phases

1. Doctors and nurses are working tirelessly to save lives; our appreciation for them cannot be overstated.
2. Before making any changes to your medication, it's important to consult with your doctor; they know your medical history best.
3. Despite their busy schedules, doctors always make time to listen to their patients; it's part of what makes them great healthcare providers.
4. The dedication and knowledge of doctors continue to amaze us; we're lucky to have such skilled professionals in the medical field.
5. Seeing a doctor regularly for check-ups is important for maintaining good health; don't wait until you're sick to make an appointment.
6. In times of crisis, doctors demonstrate incredible bravery and selflessness; they truly are heroes in every sense of the word.
7. The compassion and care shown by doctors towards their patients is remarkable; it's why they're considered among the most respected professions.
8. If you're experiencing any symptoms that concern you, don't hesitate to see a doctor; early intervention is key to successful treatment.
9. It's a common misconception that doctors only treat physical ailments; in truth, they also provide mental and emotional support for their patients.
10. The amount of schooling and training doctors undergo is nothing short of incredible; we're grateful for their commitment to helping others.

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