Dragomans example sentences

Related (4): interpreters, translators, intermediaries, ambassadors

"Dragomans" Example Sentences

1. The dragomans accompanied the diplomats on their mission.
2. The Sultan relied heavily on his dragomans for communication with foreign delegates.
3. The dragomans were skilled linguists who could speak many languages fluently.
4. One of the dragomans translated the message from the ambassador into the local dialect.
5. The dragomans acted as intermediaries during negotiations between the two countries.
6. The dragomans were dressed in traditional attire, which represented their culture.
7. The dragomans were highly respected in the court of the Ottoman Empire.
8. The dragomans were tasked with keeping confidential information secret from other parties.
9. It was the duty of the dragomans to ensure that the message was accurately conveyed.
10. The dragomans were the key to diplomacy between European and Ottoman royalty.
11. The dragomans were also responsible for interpreting legal documents for foreign dignitaries.
12. The dragomans were often rewarded with lavish gifts for their services to the court.
13. The dragomans were fluent in Arabic, Turkish, Persian, and many other languages spoken in the region.
14. The dragomans were respected for their knowledge of other cultures and ability to navigate complex diplomatic situations.
15. The dragomans were trained in etiquette and protocol to ensure that they did not offend foreign dignitaries.
16. The dragomans assisted the Sultan in his correspondence with European monarchs and leaders.
17. The dragomans also acted as guides for foreign travelers visiting the Ottoman Empire.
18. The dragomans were often employed by merchants and traders to help them communicate with locals in different regions.
19. The dragomans played a crucial role in European-Ottoman relations during the Renaissance era.
20. The dragomans were viewed as indispensable by Ottoman rulers for their ability to facilitate communication with foreign powers.
21. The dragomans were often multilingual, with some able to speak up to 10 different languages fluently.
22. The dragomans often traveled with the Ottoman army, providing translation services and facilitating negotiations with enemy commanders.
23. The dragomans were also involved in the recruitment of foreign soldiers for the Ottoman military.
24. The dragomans were highly skilled in diplomacy, able to negotiate treaties and resolve conflicts between different parties.
25. The dragomans were also responsible for maintaining records and archives of diplomatic correspondence.
26. The dragomans were sometimes used as spies, gathering intelligence on foreign countries and relaying it back to the Ottoman court.
27. The dragomans were able to navigate the complex social hierarchies of European and Ottoman courts with ease.
28. The dragomans were highly educated, often trained in mathematics, astronomy, and other areas of knowledge.
29. The dragomans were respected as experts in the art of diplomacy.
30. The dragomans were instrumental in shaping the political and cultural landscape of the Ottoman Empire.

Common Phases

you have any idea what the locals are saying?; Let's find a dragoman to help us out; Excuse me, are you a dragoman?; We're lost and need a dragoman to guide us; Can you recommend a reputable dragoman?; Our dragoman will meet us at the hotel tomorrow morning.

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