Drinkables example sentences

Related (5): beverages, refreshments, liquids, potables, libations

"Drinkables" Example Sentences

1. The vending machine offers a variety of drinkables.
2. We need to stock up on drinkables for the party tonight.
3. The airline offers complimentary drinkables to its passengers.
4. Have you sampled any of the non-alcoholic drinkables at the bar?
5. The convenience store has a great selection of grab-and-go drinkables.
6. My favorite drinkables are smoothies and fresh juices.
7. The hotel mini-bar is stocked with a variety of expensive drinkables.
8. We need to make sure we have enough drinkables for the road trip.
9. The restaurant's menu features many unique drinkables.
10. I prefer to drinkables that are low in sugar and calories.
11. The hotel room service menu includes drinkables and snacks.
12. The party guests enjoyed socializing and sampling the drinkables.
13. The supermarket has a sale on drinkables this week.
14. Have you tried any of the local drinkables while on vacation?
15. The office break room has a coffee machine and other drinkables.
16. The gym has a selection of protein-packed drinkables for after your workout.
17. The cafe serves organic drinkables and snacks.
18. The company provided drinkables and appetizers for the networking event.
19. I like to keep a stock of drinkables in the fridge at home.
20. The juice bar has a wide variety of healthy drinkables.
21. The barista recommends their signature seasonal drinkables.
22. The outdoor festival has a special area for drinkables and food vendors.
23. The restaurant's signature drinkables pair well with their entrees.
24. The spa offers refreshing drinkables and snacks in the relaxation area.
25. The hotel pool bar serves drinkables and snacks throughout the day.
26. The health food store offers a variety of drinkables for detox and weight loss.
27. I always have a water bottle with me to stay hydrated, as well as other drinkables.
28. The high-end department store has a food hall with a selection of gourmet drinkables.
29. The cocktail menu features unique twists on classic drinkables.
30. After a long day of hiking, we enjoyed refreshing drinkables from the campsite store.

Common Phases

1. I love sipping on tea; it's so relaxing.
2. I always start my day with a cup of coffee; it wakes me up.
3. Water is essential to stay hydrated; I try to drink at least 8 glasses a day.
4. Smoothies are a great way to get in some fruits and veggies; I make one every morning.
5. Hot cocoa is the perfect drink on a cold winter day; it warms me up inside.
6. Lemonade is a refreshing drink on a hot summer day; it's so tangy and sweet.
7. I enjoy a glass of wine with dinner; it pairs well with certain foods.
8. Sports drinks are great after a workout; they help replenish electrolytes.

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