Dropletorigin example sentences

Related (12): water, molecule, condensation, evaporation, precipitation, humidity, cloud, aerosol, mist, rain, fog, dew

"Dropletorigin" Example Sentences

1. The dropletorigin of the water on the leaf was a morning dew.
2. To find the cause of the contamination, scientists traced the dropletorigin back to the source.
3. A dropletorigin can be identified by analyzing the chemical composition of the liquid.
4. The dropletorigin of tears is the lacrimal gland.
5. The dropletorigin of the water on the floor was a leaking pipe.
6. A tiny dropletorigin of blood was spotted on his shirt.
7. The dropletorigin of the condensation on the window was the difference in temperature between the inside and outside of the room.
8. The dropletorigin of the rain that fell that day was a low pressure system moving through the area.
9. By studying the dropletorigin of the spray, the detective was able to determine the direction from which the gun was fired.
10. The dropletorigin of the ink on the page was a broken pen.
11. The dropletorigin of the sweat on her forehead was the intense workout she had just completed.
12. The dropletorigin of the spit on the sidewalk was the person who had just passed by.
13. The dropletorigin of the bubbles in the soda was carbon dioxide gas.
14. The dropletorigin of the saliva on the dog's tongue was its salivary glands.
15. The dropletorigin of the paint on the canvas was the artist's brush.
16. The dropletorigin of the gasoline on the ground was from a spill at the gas station.
17. By analyzing the dropletorigin of the blood spatter, the forensic scientist was able to reconstruct the crime scene.
18. The dropletorigin of the tears in her eyes was the emotional pain she was feeling.
19. The dropletorigin of the oil on the surface of the water was from a boat's engine.
20. The dropletorigin of the mist in the air was the nearby waterfall.
21. By studying the dropletorigin of the fire, investigators were able to determine if it was accidental or intentional.
22. The dropletorigin of the perfume on her neck was a spritz of her favorite scent.
23. The dropletorigin of the sweat on his forehead was the hot sun beating down on him.
24. The dropletorigin of the melted snow on the sidewalk was the rising temperature.
25. The dropletorigin of the mud on his boots was from walking through a puddle.
26. The dropletorigin of the tears on his cheeks was the heartwarming movie he had just watched.
27. The dropletorigin of the steam rising from the pot was the boiling water.
28. The dropletorigin of the milk on the countertop was a spilled glass.
29. The dropletorigin of the cough droplets in the air was the person who didn't cover their mouth.
30. The dropletorigin of the icing on the cake was the pastry chef's expert piping skills.

Common Phases

1. "Dropletorigin is a tool for creating water droplet effects."
2. "I love using Dropletorigin to create realistic rain drops on my artwork."
3. "The Dropletorigin plugin adds an extra level of detail to my designs."
4. "With Dropletorigin, I can easily simulate water droplets, saving me time and effort."
5. "Dropletorigin is an essential tool for anyone looking to create realistic water droplet effects."

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