Dross example sentences

Related (13): waste, impurities, slag, debris, residue, scum, refuse, garbage, trash, filth, sediment, sweepings, detritus.

"Dross" Example Sentences

1. The alchemist attempted to transmute the base metal into gold but ended up with only dross.
2. The gold miner sifted through the sand and gravel, removing the dross to reveal the nuggets of gold.
3. The Old Testament commands that all the dross and impurities be removed from the silver.
4. The slag and dross from the smelting process were discarded as waste material.
5. The finance industry is full of speculators and rackrenters who profit from the dross and chaff of the system.
6. The company endeavored to remove all of the dross from the metal before selling it.
7. The jeweler spent hours washing away the dross from the rough gems.
8. The silversmith had to cleanse the silver from all its dross before crafting it into jewelry.
9. The refiner separates the dross and scum rising to the surface from the purified metal underneath.
10. The crown jewels glittered brightly, freed from the dross and impurities that once darkened them.
11. His plan for reform aimed to separate the wheat from the dross, preserving only the best parts of the system.
12. The dross and scoria from the furnace were then collected and reused in other processes.
13. The molten metal emitted clouds of noxious fumes as the dross burned off its surface.
14. The fire reduced the base metal to its purest form, burning away all traces of dross.
15. The furnaces' flames boiled away the dross and corruption that marred the silver.
16. Once the dross had been removed, the fine metal shone brilliantly in the light.
17. The liquid metal began to clarify as layers of dross and slag separated to the top.
18. He wanted to refine and purify society, eliminating the dross and corruption that threatened its structure.
19. The acids dissolved and washed away much of the remaining dross from the surface of the metal.
20. The sediment settled to the bottom of the vat, leaving the purified oil separate from the dross.
21. Many of his ideas were impractical dross, grounded more in fantasy than reality.
22. The writing at times devolves into pompous dross that lacks any meaningful insight.
23. The author spends too long describing minor characters who amount to nothing more than colorful dross.
24. The publisher released the book despite much of its pages being filled with pointless dross.
25. The manuscript showed glimmers of genius amid so much impenetrable dross and obscurity.
26. The business failed to flourish due to too much useless dross bogging down its operations.
27. The places where the poem succeeds are scarce diamonds among so much rambling dross.
28. Her speech contained little of substance, consisting mostly of empty platitudes and political dross.
29. The stale dross and leftovers of yesterday's meal sat molding in the fridge.
30. The politician spewed dross and cant, lacking any original thought or policy proposals.
31. The article made some good points but was diluted by too much irrelevant dross and filler.
32. Her mind felt clogged by the meaningless dross of everyday life, unable to focus on deeper thoughts.
33. The burning dross and slag filled the air with noxious fumes that stung their eyes and throats.
34. The critic argued that the movie was full of tiresome clichés and predictable dross that lacked any fresh insight.
35. The stores threw out tons of perfectly good produce amid so much useless dross and waste.
36. The speech began with some interesting ideas but quickly devolved into political dross and slogans.
37. After hours spent sifting through the dross, they finally discovered the nugget of gold they sought.
38. The editor excised much of the superfluous dross to tighten the manuscript and clarify its central message.
39. Her work displayed moments of brilliance amid a great deal of talentless dross that brought the overall piece down.
40. The company aimed to discard and reform all of its most useless and irrelevant dross to become leaner and more effective.
41. The pile of unsorted magazines contained little more than advertisements and political dross, bound together by flimsy pages.
42. The radio program was mostly dross, interspersing interesting interviews with hours of mindless talk.
43. Much of the debate devolved into angry slinging of dross that shed little light on the actual issue at hand.
44. He threw out much of the clutter and dross that had collected in his office and home over the years.
45. The Internet contains oceans of useless dross alongside some nuggets of true value and wisdom.
46. The inexperienced editor failed to cut much of the dross from the manuscript, leaving it long-winded and meandering.
47. Once the dross had been boiled away, the pure metal shone through in all its brilliant splendor.
48. The essay began with such promise but quickly descended into arrogant dross that lost its initial insight.
49. The forgotten boxes in the attic contained little more than dross and cast-offs, no longer of any use.
50. The report included reams of irrelevant data and needless dross that distracted from its primary recommendations.
51. The critic accused the novel of being filled with pointless filler and needless dross that made it much longer than necessary.
52. He finally pruned away the dead wood and extraneous dross from his novel to make its central message shine through clearly.
53. After hours in the refinery fire, the pure silver emerges brilliantly from the dross of base metal.
54. The washing away of clay and dross reveals the diamond's true form, brilliant and multifaceted.
55. The distillation process removes the volatile impurities, leaving only the pure alcohol free from dross.
56. The refined spirit emerges brilliantly in its essential clarity, free of all anger, jealousy, and dross.
57. Once the cleansing fire had burned away the deceit and corruption, the pure truth shone through for all to see.
58. The airing out of the room removed the stale dross, allowing fresh ideas and insights to enter once more.
59. The critique cut away the superfluous verbiage to reveal the timeless essence free from cultural dross.
60. The dross floats away on ebbing tides, leaving new possibilities uncovered in the wet sand.

Common Phases

1. Separate the wheat from the chaff/dross - To distinguish the valuable parts from the worthless parts.
2. Burn/boil away the dross - To remove or eliminate impurities.
3. Refine and purify from dross- To remove impurities through a refining process.
4. Wash away the dross - To cleanse something of its impurities.
5. Float to the dross - Referring to impurities that rise to the surface as something is purified.
6. Lifted from the dross - Removed from something impure.
7. Mere dross - Something worthless or insignificant.
8. Valuable discoveries amid much dross - Finding something worthwhile among a lot that is worthless.
9. Pointless dross - Something useless, irrelevant or meaningless.
10. The dross of everyday life - The worthless and insignificant parts of daily life.

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