Drudge example sentences
Related (10): slave, menial, lackey, serf, grunt, toiler, peon, workhorse, plodder, hack
"Drudge" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. He had been drudging away at the same job for decades.
2. The endless work was drudgery to her.
3. After working for months as a nameless drudge at the shoe factory, he finally quit.
4. She worked as a drudge in the kitchens of the manor house.
5. The tedious work was making him a drudge.
6. His soulless job turned him into a drudge of an employee.
7. She was just a drudge to them, an invisible worker.
8. He had become a drudge in the workplace, lifeless and uninspired.
9. The boy drudged on, continuing the endless work.
10. Her life was one long drudge of chores and work.
11. The miners drudged away in the dirty tunnels below ground.
12. The workers drudged away in the heat of the factory.
13. He was nothing more than a drudge to them, someone to do the menial work.
14. She hated drudging away at the same boring job day after day.
15. Their slaves were reduced to drudges, working endlessly with no rest.
16. The office workers drudged away at their computers all day long.
17. His passion for science quickly turned into drudgery in the dull lectures.
18. The farm hands drudged through the hot fields all day.
19. The housemaid was treated like a drudge, ordered around constantly.
20. The factory workers drudged through their shifts, faces devoid of happiness.
21. The students drudged through their assignments, just wanting them to be over.
22. He had spent decades drudging away as an accountant.
23. The monotonous work turned her into a drudge.
24. The slaves were overworked drudges with no will of their own.
25. She hated drudging through the books, searching for the needed information.
26. The woman had spent her entire life drudging away as an undervalued servant.
27. The poet despaired at the thought of drudging away at some tedious office job.
28. His passion soon turned to drudgery as the work became dull and repetitive.
29. The young girl was treated like a household drudge, doing the meanest chores.
30. The women drudged endlessly through the hot steamy laundry.
31. The slaves were worked to the bone as mere drudges for their masters.
32. The servants lived a life of drudgery serving their cruel mistresses.
33. He soon became a drudge at the newspaper, just filling space with dull articles.
34. The men drudged through the muddy fields all day, planting and tending crops.
35. The office workers drudged through their dreary day, waiting for it to end.
36. The children drudged through their schoolwork, longing for the day to finish.
37. His job had turned him into a company drudge, mindlessly repeating tasks.
38. After years of drudgery, she finally began pursuing her true passion.
39. The office workers drudged through report after report, longing for excitement.
40. The secretary was treated like a drudge, expected to work long hours for little pay.
41. His passion quickly turned to drudgery in the repetitive factory job.
42. The slaves were treated like drudges, forced to work day and night.
43. Her monotonous job drudged on and on without joy or purpose.
44. The students drudged through unending practice problems and exercises.
45. Slaves lived lives of drudgery, working from dawn to dusk with few breaks.
46. After drudging through his assignments, he finally got to have some fun.
47. The village women drudged through their daily chores together.
48. Decades of drudgery in the office had left her feeling weary and empty.
49. The long hours of drudging away at the conveyor belt left her feeling numb.
50. His job had turned into mindless company drudgery with little meaning.
51. She hated drudging away at the same dull job day after day with no change.
52. The farm workers drudged through their tasks, longing for harvest time.
53. His initial inspiration quickly devolved into dreary drudgery.
54. The boy hoped his life would be anything but endless drudgery.
55. The servants lived lives of constant drudgery to please their demanding masters.
56. After years of drudgery, she finally found fulfillment in writing.
57. The slaves were treated as drudges, forced to work against their will.
58. She drudged away all day in the laundry room, wishing for a better life.
59. His job had turned into meaningless drudgery with little challenge or variety.
60. The children drudged through boring homework assignments to please their parents.