Drudger example sentences

Related (9): laborer, toiler, workhorse, plodder, menial, serf, drone, peon, drudge

"Drudger" Example Sentences

1. She resented being made to feel like a drudger.
2. The drudger was pleased to finally receive a day off.
3. He was always seen as the office drudger, doing the unpleasant tasks for everyone else.
4. As the drudger of the family, he always got stuck with the most difficult chores.
5. Even though she was a highly skilled lawyer, she felt like a drudger when she had to sift through thousands of documents for a case.
6. The drudger had been working overtime to complete the project on time.
7. Being a student can sometimes feel like being a drudger, with endless assignments and exams.
8. The drudger was determined to finish the painting, no matter how long it took.
9. Her job as a supermarket cashier was often seen as a drudger's role, but she enjoyed interacting with customers.
10. As a stay-at-home mom, she often felt like a drudger with the never-ending housework and child-rearing responsibilities.
11. The drudger was ecstatic when his boss finally gave him a raise after years of hard work.
12. She hated being referred to as the office drudger, but she couldn't deny the amount of work she did behind the scenes.
13. The drudger's consistent efforts were recognized when she won the employee of the year award.
14. The drudger's hands were sore from all the scrubbing and cleaning she had done.
15. As a factory worker, he was seen as just another drudger on the assembly line.
16. The drudger's diligence paid off when she was promoted to a higher position.
17. He felt like a drudger having to work in the sweltering heat of the summer.
18. The drudger wished he could take a break from the monotony of his daily routine.
19. Despite feeling like a drudger at times, she appreciated the security and stability her job provided.
20. The drudger's meticulous attention to detail made her an asset to the company.
21. She resented being labeled as a drudger just because her job involved manual labor.
22. The drudger's efficiency allowed the project to be completed ahead of schedule.
23. Being a student athlete was challenging, as it required balancing academics with training and competition, but he saw it as an opportunity to grow, not just as a drudger.
24. The drudger was grateful for her supportive colleagues who helped her get through the toughest parts of the job.
25. She constantly reminded herself that even though she felt like a drudger, her work was making a difference in the lives of others.
26. The drudger felt a sense of accomplishment when she finally finished the essay after hours of writing and editing.
27. He didn't mind being a drudger as long as it meant providing for his family.
28. The drudger's persistence proved invaluable when trying to troubleshoot the software issue.
29. She was proud of herself for not giving up even when her job felt like being a drudger.
30. The drudger knew that the satisfaction of a job well done was worth all the effort.

Common Phases

1. I'm stuck with this drudger work;
2. Another day, another drudger task;
3. I have to drudger through this report;
4. The drudger routine is draining me;
5. Why do I have to do this drudger job?;
6. My job feels like a never-ending drudger.

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