Drudgers example sentences

Related (10): laborers, toilers, grinders, plodders, drones, servants, slaves, workhorses, slogs, moilers

"Drudgers" Example Sentences

1. The drudgers toiled in the fields from dawn to dusk.
2. Henry assigned all the drudgers to clean the stables.
3. Despite the rain, the drudgers continued to stack the firewood.
4. The drudgers complained about their low salaries.
5. The drudgers grumbled as they shoveled snow from the sidewalk.
6. The boss reprimanded the drudgers for being lazy.
7. The drudgers trudged through the mud to harvest the crops.
8. All the drudgers in the factory work long hours for minimum pay.
9. The drudgers were too exhausted to do anything besides sleep after work.
10. The drudgers were content as long as they had enough food to eat.
11. The drudgers were the lowest-ranking workers in the castle.
12. The drudgers were accustomed to doing menial tasks.
13. The drudgers were compelled to work long hours without breaks.
14. The drudgers dragged themselves to work each day, tired and disheartened.
15. The drudgers were happiest when they had a good boss who treated them fairly.
16. Though the drudgers were uneducated, they were not unintelligent.
17. The drudgers were given a few days off to celebrate the king's coronation.
18. The drudgers groaned as they heaved bales of hay onto the wagon.
19. The drudgers were always grateful for any small kindness shown to them.
20. Some of the drudgers were struggling to make ends meet and support their families.
21. The drudgers were always the last to leave the factory at the end of the day.
22. The drudgers were sometimes tempted to steal from the workplace.
23. The drudgers were a powerful force that could organize and demand better working conditions.
24. The drudgers feared being fired and losing their only source of income.
25. The drudgers were untouchable to the wealthy upper class.
26. The drudgers found solace in religion, hoping for a better life in the afterlife.
27. The drudgers had to wear threadbare clothing that was often too small for them.
28. The drudgers had to live on meager rations of bread and water.
29. Many of the drudgers were illiterate and unable to read or write.
30. The drudgers resented the nobility for their lavish lifestyles while they struggled to survive.

Common Phases

1. The drudgers toiled away in silence; their only solace the clinking sound of their tools.
2. The drudgers trudged through the mud and muck; their bodies exhausted, but their spirits unyielding.
3. The drudgers finished their task with precision and efficiency; their work a testament to their tireless dedication.
4. The drudgers went about their work methodically; their minds focused on the task at hand.
5. The drudgers worked through the day and into the night; their efforts fueled by the promise of a better future.
6. The drudgers endured countless trials and hardships; their unwavering perseverance a source of inspiration for all those around them.
7. The drudgers gathered together, their faces smeared with sweat and dirt; no one spoke, but they all knew what needed to be done.

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