Dunnings example sentences

Related (6): payment, debts, harassment, negotiation, bankruptcy, creditor

"Dunnings" Example Sentences

1. The dunnings on his account were a result of a clerical error.
2. The company received a notice of dunnings from their supplier.
3. He failed to pay the dunnings on his credit card bill.
4. The frequent dunnings from the collection agency were becoming a nuisance.
5. She was surprised to find dunnings on her phone bill.
6. The dunnings on his lease were causing financial strain.
7. The landlord sent him a letter with dunnings for late rent.
8. She had to deal with dunnings from multiple creditors.
9. The dunnings were overwhelming and she didn't know how to pay them all.
10. He got into debt because he ignored the dunnings from his creditors.
11. She made a payment plan to clear her dunnings with the utility company.
12. The dunnings on his mortgage were a result of missed payments.
13. The company sent a letter with dunnings for unpaid invoices.
14. The dunnings were the result of a contractual agreement.
15. The debt collector left a message with dunnings on his answering machine.
16. She disputed the dunnings on her medical bill with her insurance provider.
17. The dunnings on his student loans were causing financial stress.
18. The creditor threatened legal action if the dunnings weren't paid.
19. The dunnings on his car loan were adding up due to high interest rates.
20. The collection agency was relentless with their dunnings on her account.
21. He faced the possibility of foreclosure due to dunnings on his home.
22. The dunnings for missed child support payments were causing legal trouble.
23. She couldn't afford to pay the dunnings on her credit card bill.
24. The dunnings on his business loan were causing financial strain on his company.
25. The dunnings were a result of billing errors on his account.
26. The creditor filed a lawsuit over the unpaid dunnings.
27. She was struggling to make ends meet due to the large amount of dunnings.
28. He had to borrow money to pay off the dunnings on his taxes.
29. The dunnings were a result of identity theft and fraudulent charges.
30. The bank threatened to close his account due to the numerous dunnings.

Common Phases

you want me to provide examples of common phrases using the word "dunnings" separated by semicolons?
1. The dunnings for the project were submitted on time; we should hear back from the client soon.
2. His dunnings for the property were rejected; he'll have to reapply with more information.
3. I need to update my dunnings with the correct address; otherwise, the billing department won't be able to process my payment.
4. The contractor's dunnings for the renovation were approved; work can begin next week.
5. The department's dunnings for the new equipment were denied; they'll have to make adjustments to their budget.
6. I forgot to include the necessary paperwork with my dunnings; I'll have to resubmit everything.
7. The company's dunnings for the patent were successful; they now have exclusive rights to the technology.
8. She prepared the dunnings for the event ahead of schedule; the planning committee was impressed.

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