Duppy example sentences
Related (5): ghost, spirit, apparition, specter, phantom
duppy (noun) · duppies (plural noun)
- a malevolent spirit or ghost.
apparition, specter, phantom, hallucination, ghost, wraith, shadow, manifestation, chimera, illusion, mirage, image, bodach, spook, phantasm, shade, revenant, wight, visitant, eidolon, manes"Duppy" Example Sentences
1. The locals believed that the duppy haunted the old house.
2. According to Jamaican folklore, a duppy is the ghost or spirit of a dead person.
3. The children stayed away from the abandoned building, fearing that a duppy lived there.
4. The duppy was said to wander the forest at night, scaring travelers.
5. My grandmother warned me not to go into the graveyard at night or the duppies would get me.
6. The duppy followed the man home from the graveyard, wanting to be at rest.
7. In Jamaican patois, a duppy may refer to either a benevolent or malevolent spirit.
8. Don't stay outside after dark or the duppies will come out.
9. I heard the duppy crying in the night, calling for its mother.
10. Some believe that only the spirits of the dead that died an unnatural death become duppies.
11. The duppy of the old sailor was said to haunt the cliffs near the sea.
12. The locals left offerings of fruit and flowers to appease any duppies that might be nearby.
13. They say the duppy of the murdered woman still walks the lane at midnight.
14. The duppy was invisible but its presence could be felt in the cool breeze and whispers in the dark.
15. The duppy is said to ride on the back of the four o'clock flower as it closes at dusk.
16. The duppy would slam doors and rattle chains at night, trying to scare the living.
17. The duppy's cries carried on the wind, sending chills down my spine.
18. Many legends and folktales evolved around the mysterious nature of duppies.
19. The slimy trail the duppy left behind glowed an eerie yellow in the dark.
20. Don't walk alone at night or the duppies will get you.
21. The duppy followed the woman down the street, desperate for her to hear its pleas.
22. The sounds of chains dragging and mournful cries were proof that a duppy haunted the house.
23. The old woman could sense the duppy's presence and feared for her life.
24. The duppy grabbed the man's foot as he walked by, making him scream in terror.
25. He saw the duppy drift across the yard as a swaying black shape on the edge of his vision.
26. The duppy would attempt to possess the bodies of the living to continue its earthly existence.
27. The duppy's moans and cries could be heard coming from different rooms of the house.
28. They saw shadows moving behind the curtains that could only be the work of a duppy.
29. Some believed that burying a corpse facing down would prevent it from rising as a duppy.
30. The duppy's funeral had been botched, dooming its spirit to wander in limbo.
31. The duppy clung to the side of the ship as it sailed away, wanting revenge on those who wronged it.
32. The duppy had risen from the grave seeking justice for its untimely death.
33. They burned white candles and said prayers to rid the house of the evil duppy.
34. Legend has it that a duppy followed the man home each night, disrupting his sleep.
35. The duppy haunted the old well, snatching unwary travelers who came too close.
36. The village elders performed rituals in an attempt to lay the vengeful duppy to rest.
37. The duppy visited the old woman nightly, seeking comfort that it could only find in her presence.
38. Some believe that duppies only become vengeful when their bodies are mistreated after death.
39. The ghostly duppy roamed the plantation at night, seeking revenge for the injustices of its life.
40. The duppy attacked its tormentors in their dreams, attempting to make them fear for their lives.
41. They hastily stuffed garlic in the windows and doorways to ward off the evil duppy.
42. The duppy wailed in anguish each night from the tree where it had died.
43. The duppy is said to still guard the treasure it buried while alive.
44. The duppy's cries echoed across the land, instilling fear into whoever heard it.
45. They tried to appease the duppy with milk and bread to get it to leave them alone.
46. Many feared going near the duppy tree where the vengeful spirit was said to dwell.
47. The duppy possessed the woman late at night, forcing her to walk the streets aimlessly.
48. They say a duppy still guards the cursed gold hidden away in a secret cave.
49. The duppy longed to speak to the living but could only moan and cry.
50. The duppy only harmed those who had wronged it in life.
51. The grieving duppy wandered the fields at night, unable to let go of the living.
52. The duppy's restless spirit could not find peace until its murder was avenged.
53. The duppy roamed the plantation in search of its beloved child taken away long ago.
54. The duppy left handprints on the walls, trying to mark its presence.
55. The duppy appeared in the candlelight as a skeletal figure in tattered rags.
56. They could hear the duppy whistling the tune it had loved in life.
57. The duppy only harmed those who entered its home uninvited.
58. The duppy screamed in anguish as its bones had been unearthed and desecrated.
59. They say the duppy's weeping can still be heard near the lonely sycamore tree.
60. The duppy left a trail of carnage in its vengeful quest in the afterlife.
Common Phases
1. The villagers are scared of duppies that roam the hills at night.
2. Stay away from that old house, there is a duppy that haunts it.
3. Don't go outside alone, the duppy will get you.
4. The duppy was seen floating around the old tree.
5. Lock your doors tonight, duppies are known to wander around on this night.
6. The child screamed when she saw the floating duppy in the mirror.
7. The duppy scare us in the night with loud noises and screaming.
8. Close the windows tight or the duppy will come in.
9. My grandmother warned me about duppies playing tricks at night.
10. According to legend, that tree is inhabited by an evil duppy.
11. The duppy curse anyone who disturbs its grave.
12. The duppy spoke to her in a strange voice and disappeared into thin air.
13. The sighting of the duppy sent chills down his spine.
14. They say that duppy attacks people who walk alone at night.
15. They burned incense to appease the angry duppy.
16. The duppy's moaning and chanting could be heard all night.
17. The duppy appeared as a shadowy figure floating outside the window.
18. The duppy warned her not to return to that house ever again.
19. He swore he saw a duppy hovering outside his bedroom window last night.
20. They tried to run but the duppy followed close behind them.
21. The duppy tried to enter their home so they lit candles for protection.
22. The duppy appeared as a tall figure dressed all in white.
23. Some say the duppy still roams the forest looking for victims.
24. They scattered salt and burned incense around their house to ward off the duppy.
25. The duppy's voice warned her not to go into the forest.
26. They were terrified by the sight of the duppy hovering outside.
27. Her mother's warning about duppies at night echoed in her mind.
28. The story of the duppy's curse sent chills down their spines.
29. The duppy lunged at him from the shadows.
30. You can always tell when a duppy is near by the cold feeling in the air.
31. As a child I was warned daily about the dangers of duppies.
32. Duppies like to frighten people at night by making strange noises and moving objects.
33. The duppy only shows itself to those it wants to frighten or curse.
34. The duppy materialized out of thin air and spoke with a raspy voice.
35. The duppy grabbed her arm, leaving bruises that lasted for weeks.
36. The duppy threatened to hurt them if they didn't leave at once.
37. They say a duppy still wanders the woods looking for its lost head.
38. The duppy appeared dressed in the burial clothes it was buried in.
39. The duppy caused all the furniture in the room to levitate.
40. They say the duppy still guards its treasure, hidden deep in the cave.
41. The duppy suddenly began throwing things around the room in a rage.
42. The duppy wraps its cold hands around your throat while you sleep.
43. They locked themselves in the house when night fell, terrified of the duppy's return.
44. We heard the duppy's mournful cries echoing through the forest.
45. She stumbled upon a duppy's grave in the middle of the forest.
46. The duppy began laughing maniacally as it disappeared into the shadows.
47. The mysterious figure they saw floating outside was definitely a duppy.
48. The duppy let out an unearthly scream that chilled them to the bone.
49. The duppy's cold breath on her neck woke her up screaming in the night.
50. They say the forest is haunted by the duppy of an old hermit who lived there.
51. The duppy grasped her arm in a vice-like grip and stared into her eyes.
52. The duppy whispered curses in her ear all night, keeping her awake with fear.
53. The duppy appeared to warn them not to return to that place ever again.
54. The duppy's chilling laughter could be heard echoing throughout the house.
55. The duppy only comes out at night to scare and threaten those who cross its path.
56. The sight of the duppy floating in the dark made their blood run cold.
57. The duppy floated into the room and began tossing things about violently.
58. They told stories of the duppy that haunted the old abandoned house by the sea.
59. The duppy appeared as a tall figure dressed all in white, carrying its own severed head.
60. The duppy lingered outside their window all night, making eerie noises.