Duppys example sentences

Related (9): ghosts, spirits, apparitions, phantoms, specters, wraiths, shades, poltergeists, haunts

"Duppys" Example Sentences

1. I'm not afraid of duppys, they don't scare me.
2. Do you believe in the existence of duppys?
3. Many people in Jamaica are scared of duppys.
4. The locals warn tourists about the duppys that haunt the area.
5. He claims to have seen a duppy in the forest last night.
6. She told a story about a duppy that haunted her house when she was a child.
7. Duppy sightings have been reported in various parts of the Caribbean.
8. The legend of the duppy goes back centuries in Jamaican folklore.
9. The villagers performed a ritual to banish the duppys from their town.
10. There are many different types of duppys, each with their own characteristics.
11. Some people believe that duppys are the spirits of the deceased who haven't moved on.
12. A duppy is said to be able to take on various forms, including that of an animal or even a human.
13. The duppys are thought to be particularly active around Halloween.
14. I've heard some creepy stories about duppys, they give me the shivers.
15. Duppy stories have been passed down from generation to generation in Jamaican culture.
16. The duppy is often depicted in artwork and literature throughout the Caribbean.
17. Duppy tales are a popular theme in Jamaican music and reggae.
18. Some people believe that certain rituals or objects can protect them from duppys.
19. The duppy is often associated with dark magic and sorcery.
20. It is said that if you disrespect the dead, you may attract the attention of a duppy.
21. Duppy sightings have been reported in cemeteries and other burial grounds.
22. The duppy is one of the most feared supernatural beings in Jamaican culture.
23. Some people believe that seeing a duppy is a bad omen or a warning of impending doom.
24. The locals say that duppys are more active during times of great strife or chaos.
25. Certain herbs and spices are said to be able to ward off duppys.
26. Young children are often warned not to play near abandoned buildings or known duppy haunts.
27. The duppy is often depicted as a ghostly figure draped in white or gray.
28. Some people believe that certain individuals are more susceptible to being possessed by a duppy.
29. It is said that if you disrespect a duppy, it may retaliate in violent or terrifying ways.
30. Understanding the myths and legends surrounding the duppy is an important part of Jamaican culture.

Common Phases

1. The duppys were reportedly seen on the old road; some even claimed to have heard their eerie moans.
2. She was terrified of the duppys that she believed haunted her house; every creak and groan made her jump.
3. Despite being warned of the dangers of the duppys, the reckless explorer ventured deep into the dark jungle; he never returned.
4. The villagers performed a ritual to ward off evil duppys from their harvest; they hoped it would keep their crops safe.
5. The old abandoned house was said to be a hotspot for duppys; many dared to enter but few returned unscathed.

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