Dutiful example sentences
Related (14): obedient, responsible, faithful, reliable, committed, devoted, loyal, diligent, conscientious, respectful, deferential, submissive, reverent, dedicated.
"Dutiful" Example Sentences
1. The dutiful son called his mother every day.
2. The dutiful employee arrived at work early each morning.
3. The dutiful child did all of his chores without being asked.
4. The soldier performed his duties in a dutiful manner.
5. The dutiful nurse ensured that all her patients received proper care.
6. The dutiful teacher remained after school to help struggling students.
7. The dutiful wife tended to her husband's needs first.
8. The dutiful secretary took notes during every meeting.
9. The dutiful servant tended to the master's house and garden each day.
10. The dutiful student listened attentively and took thorough notes in class.
11. The dutiful pastor visited parishioners who were homebound or in the hospital.
12. The dutiful daughter cared for her aging parents and checked on them daily.
13. The dutiful dog waited patiently at the door for her owner to come home.
14. The dutiful knight served his lord loyally and without question.
15. The dutiful mail carrier delivered mail no matter the weather conditions.
16. The dutiful monk spent hours each day in prayer and contemplation.
17. The dutiful apprentice worked hard to learn his trade from the master craftsman.
18. The dutiful cadet obeyed his officers' commands without hesitation.
19. The dutiful citizen pays taxes, votes in elections, and serves on juries.
20. The dutiful widow fulfilled all her late husband's wishes after his death.
21. Her dutiful daughter attended every doctor's appointment with her.
22. His dutiful nephew mowed his uncle's lawn every week.
23. The dutiful assistant quietly fulfilled all her boss's requests.
24. The dutiful intern worked long hours without complaint.
25. The dutiful sister looked after her elderly brother's needs.
26. The dutiful actors took direction well from the play's director.
27. The dutiful colleagues pitched in to help a coworker who was behind on work.
28. The dutiful volunteer completed each task assigned to her.
29. The dutiful page turned the book for the reader as directed.
30. The dutiful guard stood at attention for his entire shift.
31. The dutiful attendant made her boss's tea and tidied up the office each day.
32. The dutiful parent volunteered regularly at her children's school.
33. They performed their duties dutifully and without fanfare.
34. The dutiful cadet obeyed orders without question.
35. The dutiful subjects defended their king loyally.
36. The dutiful housekeeper cleaned the entire house from top to bottom each week.
37. The dutiful scout helped an elderly woman carry her groceries.
38. The dutiful student sat up front and took thorough notes during lecture.
39. The dutiful athlete trained diligently for each competition.
40. The dutiful spouse supported his partner through good times and bad.
41. The dutiful server cleared tables and refilled drinks promptly.
42. The dutiful jury members considered each piece of evidence carefully.
43. The dutiful butler waited on the guests hand and foot.
44. The dutiful officer followed orders to the letter.
45. The dutiful burgher paid his taxes without complaint.
46. The dutiful parents attended every school play and sporting event.
47. The dutiful set designer worked long hours to fulfill the director's vision.
48. The dutiful audience members remained quiet and still throughout the performance.
49. The dutiful companion stayed by her friend's side during the illness.
50. The dutiful employee clocked in and out at the scheduled times.
51. The dutiful staff brought the senator tea and refreshments whenever needed.
52. The dutiful server greeted guests with a smile and promptly brought them menus.
53. The dutiful diplomat carried out his country's objectives skillfully.
54. The dutiful heir fulfilled all the wishes of the deceased parent.
55. She fulfilled all duties dutifully and without question.
56. The dutiful medic treated wounded soldiers no matter the danger.
57. The dutiful pupil raised his hand and waited to be called on by the teacher.
58. The dutiful convict served out his full sentence without incident.
59. They fulfilled their assigned roles dutifully and efficiently.
60. The dutiful civil servant carried out orders from elected officials.
Common Phases
1. The dutiful daughter cared for her sick mother.
2. The students performed their dutiful tasks without complaining.
3. The dutiful wife made sure her husband had a hot meal every night.
4. The maid dutifully cleaned up after her employer's children.
5. The boy dutifully did his chores every day.
6. His dutiful son took over the family business when his father retired.
7. The soldiers performed their duties with a dutiful attitude.
8. The maid dutifully cleaned the house every day.
9. He was a very dutiful servant to his master.
10. She was a dutiful subordinate who did everything her boss asked her to do.
11. The servant dutifully carried out all of his master's orders.
12. The dutiful employee worked long hours without complaining.
13. The teacher's assistants dutifully helped to grade papers and exams.
14. The soldiers stood at attention in a dutiful manner and awaited orders.
15. The butler dutifully served his employer's guests.
16. The dutiful nurse tended to all of her patients' needs.
17. His dutiful staff worked hard to ensure the success of his company.
18. The secretary dutifully took notes during the meeting.
19. The young boy dutifully completed his homework every night.
20. The judge's clerks dutifully processed all of the paperwork.
21. The student dutifully completed all of her assignments on time.
22. The dutiful farmhands worked tirelessly from dawn until dusk.
23. The gardener dutifully tended the grounds every week.
24. The soldier performed his guard duty in a dutiful manner.
25. The lawyer's paralegals dutifully prepared all of the paperwork for the case.
26. The nurse's assistant dutifully carried out all of her duties.
27. The dutiful intern performed menial tasks without complaint.
28. The secretarial pool dutifully typed out all of the letters and memos.
29. The valet dutifully took care of his employer's every need.
30. The janitor dutifully cleaned the school buildings every evening.
31. The cook dutifully prepared all of the meals for her employer's household.
32. The caretaker dutifully looked after the estate in his employer's absence.
33. The office workers dutifully answered phones, filed paperwork and ran errands.
34. The menial laborers dutifully did whatever tasks were assigned to them.
35. The apprentice dutifully learned from his master craftsman.
36. The dutiful husband faithfully took care of his wife in sickness and health.
37. The scribe dutifully copied out manuscript after manuscript.
38. The chef's assistants dutifully chopped, peeled and prepared ingredients.
39. The cadets dutifully followed all of the military academy's rules and regulations.
40. The groundskeeper dutifully maintained the upkeep of the manor's gardens.
41. The farmers dutifully tended to their crops throughout the growing season.
42. The apprentices dutifully learned their trades from the guild's master craftsmen.
43. The rowers dutifully propelled the galley forward with their oars.
44. The footman dutifully carried out whatever tasks his master and mistress required.
45. The priest dutifully performed all of the religious rites and ceremonies.
46. The cadets dutifully stood at attention during inspection.
47. The stewards dutifully served their passengers aboard the cruise ship.
48. The slaves dutifully performed whatever tasks their masters demanded of them.
49. The clerks dutifully filled out report after report for their supervisors.
50. The maid dutifully dusted and polished every surface in the house.
51. The lackeys dutifully carried out orders for their lords and masters.
52. The serfs dutifully tended their lord's fields and livestock.
53. The dogs dutifully guarded the estate's gates by barking at strangers.
54. The subalterns dutifully followed the orders of their commanding officers.
55. The couriers dutifully delivered their messages and correspondence.
56. The duchess's ladies-in-waiting dutifully attended to her every need.
57. The acolytes dutifully assisted the priests in their duties.
58. The copyists dutifully transcribed the sacred texts.
59. The assistants dutifully performed menial tasks for their professors.
60. The soldiers dutifully stood guard at their posts.