Dynasties example sentences

Related (9): Ming, Qing, Han, Tang, Song, Yuan, Sui, Zhou, Shang

"Dynasties" Example Sentences

1. The Han and Tang dynasties were two of the most influential dynasties in Chinese history.
2. The Ming Dynasty was known for its impressive architecture and artistry.
3. Many powerful dynasties rose and fell in ancient Egypt.
4. The Gupta Dynasty was known for its advancements in mathematics, science, and medicine.
5. The Romanov Dynasty ruled Russia for over 300 years.
6. The Habsburg Dynasty held power in central Europe for centuries.
7. The Ottoman Dynasty was known as one of the longest-lasting dynasties in history.
8. The Qing Dynasty was the last imperial dynasty of China.
9. The Aztec and Inca dynasties were two of the most prominent in pre-Columbian America.
10. The Ptolemaic Dynasty ruled over ancient Egypt during the time of Cleopatra.
11. The Mughal Dynasty was responsible for the construction of the famous Taj Mahal.
12. The House of Windsor is the current reigning dynasty in the United Kingdom.
13. The Bourbon Dynasty ruled over France during the 17th and 18th centuries.
14. The Safavid Dynasty was responsible for the rise of Shia Islam in Iran.
15. The Sui Dynasty laid the foundation for the reunification of China.
16. The Chola Dynasty was known for its naval power and cultural advancements.
17. The Gupta Dynasty was considered a golden age in Indian history.
18. The Zhou Dynasty was revered for its philosophical and cultural contributions to China.
19. The Shang Dynasty was known for its development of a writing system in ancient China.
20. The Song Dynasty was responsible for advancements in technology and agriculture.
21. The Abbassid Dynasty was known as the golden age of Islam.
22. The T'ang Dynasty was considered a flourishing period in Chinese history.
23. The Solomonic Dynasty ruled Ethiopia for over 700 years.
24. The Kadamba Dynasty was one of the earliest dynasties in South India.
25. The Ashanti Dynasty was a prominent power in West Africa during the 18th and 19th centuries.
26. The Fatimid Dynasty was responsible for the construction of many important landmarks in Egypt.
27. The Vijayanagara Dynasty was known for its grand architecture and artistic achievements.
28. The Mamluk Dynasty was a powerful force in the Arab world during the Middle Ages.
29. The Ming Dynasty was instrumental in the establishment of trade with Europe.
30. The Maurya Dynasty was responsible for the unification of the Indian subcontinent.

Common Phases

1. The Han dynasty brought about significant advancements in science and technology; the Tang dynasty is renowned for its flourishing poetry and art; the Ming dynasty is known for its architectural achievements.
2. The Sui dynasty marked the end of the Southern and Northern dynasties and paved the way for the Tang dynasty; the Song dynasty marked a high point in Chinese culture and economy; the Yuan dynasty was a period of foreign rule by the Mongols.
3. The Shang dynasty is considered the first dynasty in Chinese history; the Zhou dynasty is known for its long period of stability and development; the Qin dynasty is famous for its construction of the Great Wall and establishment of a centralized government.
4. The Three Kingdoms period followed the fall of the Han dynasty and was marked by competition among three ruling states; the Jin dynasty was founded after the collapse of the Three Kingdoms period and marked a time of stability and reunification; the Southern and Northern dynasties were a period of disunity and conflict in China.
5. The Ming dynasty marked a time of prosperity in China's history; the Qing dynasty was the last imperial dynasty and marked a period of decline and foreign influence; the Republic of China was founded after the downfall of the Qing dynasty and marked a time of political and social change.

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