Earaches example sentences

Related (8): pain, infection, dizziness, fever, discharge, inflammation, vertigo, nausea

"Earaches" Example Sentences

1. She had an earache and was in a lot of pain.
2. The earache was so bad that he had to take painkillers.
3. He was suffering from an earache and it was getting worse.
4. His earache was so severe he had to go to the doctor.
5. She had an earache and was unable to sleep.
6. He had an earache and was having difficulty hearing.
7. The earache was so bad that it was making her dizzy.
8. The earache was so intense that it was making him nauseous.
9. She had an earache and was having trouble concentrating.
10. He had an earache and it was causing him a lot of discomfort.
11. The earache was so bad that it was affecting his balance.
12. She had an earache and was feeling very weak.
13. He had an earache and it was making his head throb.
14. The earache was so bad that it was causing her headaches.
15. The earache was so intense that it was making him lightheaded.
16. She had an earache and was having difficulty speaking.
17. He had an earache and it was making his jaw ache.
18. The earache was so bad that it was making her vision blurry.
19. The earache was so intense that it was making him disoriented.
20. She had an earache and was having trouble swallowing.
21. He had an earache and it was making his neck stiff.
22. The earache was so bad that it was causing her to vomit.
23. The earache was so intense that it was making him sweat.
24. She had an earache and was having difficulty breathing.
25. He had an earache and it was making his ear ring.
26. The earache was so bad that it was causing her to faint.
27. The earache was so intense that it was making him shake.
28. She had an earache and was having trouble hearing.
29. He had an earache and it was making his eyes water.
30. The earache was so bad that it was making her feel faint.
31. The earache was so intense that it was making him cry.
32. She had an earache and was having difficulty understanding.
33. He had an earache and it was making his face flush.
34. The earache was so bad that it was causing her to lose consciousness.
35. The earache was so intense that it was making him scream.
36. She had an earache and was having trouble sleeping.
37. He had an earache and it was making his shoulder ache.
38. The earache was so bad that it was causing her to have nightmares.
39. The earache was so intense that it was making him tremble.
40. She had an earache and was having difficulty concentrating.

Common Phases

Home Remedies; Over-the-counter Pain Relievers; Prescription Medication; Ear Drops; Warm Compress; Earwax Removal; Allergy Treatment; Avoiding Loud Noises; Seeing a Doctor.

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