Earnesty example sentences
Related (10): sincerity, seriousness, dedication, commitment, truthfulness, authenticity, integrity, candor, loyalty, earnestness
earnest (adjective)
- resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction:
earnest (noun) · earnests (plural noun)
- a thing intended or regarded as a sign or promise of what is to come:
serious, solemn, grave, sober, humorless, staid, steady, intense, committed, dedicated, assiduous, keen, diligent, zealous, industrious, studious, thoughtful, cerebral, deep, profound, bookish, donnish, devout, heartfelt, wholehearted, sincere, impassioned, fervent, fervid, ardent, passionate, burning, urgent, passional, perfervid, frivolous, apathetic, halfhearted, certainty, guarantee, sureness, certitude, confidence, hope, expectation, indication, hint, suggestion, sign, uncertainty, Legal"Earnesty" Example Sentences
1. Sarah spoke with earnesty about her dreams and aspirations.2. The boy pleaded with earnesty for forgiveness.
3. The politician addressed the crowd with great earnesty.
4. The teacher demonstrated earnesty in her efforts to improve her students' grades.
5. The doctor spoke with earnesty about the importance of taking care of one's health.
6. The athlete trained with earnesty to prepare for the upcoming competition.
7. The artist approached the canvas with earnesty, pouring her soul into the painting.
8. The writer tackled the novel with earnesty, determined to finish it before the deadline.
9. The musician played with earnesty, pouring her heart and soul into the performance.
10. The entrepreneur worked with earnesty to grow her business.
11. The chef cooked with earnesty, ensuring every dish was perfect.
12. The scientist conducted research with earnesty to find a cure for the disease.
13. The police officer approached the scene with earnesty, knowing the importance of his duty.
14. The spiritual leader preached with earnesty, inspiring his congregation to become better people.
15. The volunteer worked with earnesty to help those in need.
16. The mentor spoke with earnesty to guide her mentee through difficult times.
17. The parent addressed their child with earnesty, explaining the importance of their behavior.
18. The counselor listened with earnesty as their client shared their struggles.
19. The coach trained with earnesty to prepare the team for the upcoming game.
20. The soldier fought with earnesty to defend their country.
21. The student studied with earnesty to ace the exam.
22. The mechanic fixed the car with earnesty, ensuring it ran smoothly.
23. The farmer tended to their crops with earnesty, wanting a successful harvest.
24. The pilot flew with earnesty, ensuring the safety of their passengers.
25. The designer worked with earnesty to create a beautiful product.
26. The activist fought with earnesty for social justice.
27. The actor performed with earnesty to create a memorable show.
28. The firefighter worked with earnesty to put out the flames and save lives.
29. The judge approached the case with earnesty, ensuring justice was served.
30. The teacher encouraged her students with earnesty, knowing the importance of their education.
Common Phases
1. He spoke with earnesty about his ambitions;2. She approached the task with earnesty and determination;
3. Their discussion was carried out with earnesty and sincerity;
4. The project was completed with earnesty and attention to detail;
5. She pleaded with earnesty for forgiveness;
6. He listened with earnesty to her concerns;
7. They worked together with earnesty to find a solution;
8. The debate was conducted with earnesty and respect;
9. The speech was delivered with earnesty and conviction;
10. The negotiations took place with earnesty and openness.
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