Earthwards example sentences

Related (6): downward, earthbound, descending, dropping, lowering, sinking



earthwards (adverb)

  - toward the ground or the earth:

"Earthwards" Example Sentences

1. The ball rolled earthwards down the hillside.
2. The meteorite plummeted earthwards from the sky.
3. As the plane descended, it turned earthwards.
4. The satellite's orbit decayed and it fell earthwards.
5. The hot air balloon slowly drifted earthwards.
6. The space station fired its thrusters to reorient itself earthwards.
7. The paraglider circled lazily earthwards.
8. The kite string began to slacken as the kite drifted earthwards.
9. The diver curved earthwards and hit the surface of the water with barely a ripple.
10. He looked up at the sky and then gazed earthwards at the road in front of him.
11. As dawn broke the dew gathered earthwards on the leaves and grass.
12. The leaves detached themselves from the tree and fluttered earthwards.
13. The helium-filled balloon rose into the sky and then drifted earthwards on the breeze.
14. The tower crane arm swung earthwards to deposit its cargo on the ground.
15. The angel's gaze turned earthwards at the sorrow on the people's faces.
16. The climber's gaze was fixed earthwards at her treacherous footing.
17. The expedition's mission was to return valuable rock samples earthwards.
18. The skydiver fell earthwards reveling in the rush of air and adrenaline.
19. The acrobat swung earthwards from the trapeze bar to land on the safety net.
20. The astronaut's view shifted earthwards as the capsule re-entered the atmosphere.
21. The gaze of the bird of prey zeroed in earthwards on its intended victim.
22. The spider carefully lowered itself earthwards on a thread of silk.
23. The gaze of the mystical yogi was focused somewhere beyond the earthwards plane.
24. His thoughts turned ever earthwards, away from spiritual contemplation.
25. The landing gear lowered earthwards in preparation for touchdown.
26. The fall of Lucifer cast him earthwards away from the light of heaven.
27. The child's gaze followed the butterfly as it fluttered earthwards.
28. The boulders loosened from the cliff face tumbled earthwards with a roar.
29. The falcon stooped earthwards to snatch its prey from the field.
30. The space station's orbit decayed, sending it crashing earthwards.
31. The adventurer gazed longingly earthwards at the green fields below.
32. The dandelion seeds floated lazily earthwards on the summer breeze.
33. The gaze of the enlightened one remained fixed somewhere beyond the earthwards plane.
34. His vision was fixed earthwards on the troubles of this world.
35. The branch sagged earthwards under the weight of ripening fruit.
36. The eagle circled higher and higher before swooping earthwards.
37. Her thoughts turned ever earthwards, away from heavenly contemplation.
38. The beads of her necklace slid earthwards as she leaned forwards.
39. The angels turned their gazes heavenwards while the mortals' eyes stayed fixed earthwards.
40. The eyes of the prophecy seeker gazed beyond the earthwards plane.
41. The buds on the tree opened and unfurled their petals earthwards.
42. The fighter jet banked earthwards and lined up its target in the bombsight.
43. The shuttlecraft pilot steered the craft smoothly earthwards.
44. His mind remained fixed earthwards on mundane concerns.
45. The mystic's thoughts soared heavenwards while his body remained fixed earthwards.
46. The prayer book fell earthwards from the hands of the invalid.
47. The spirit's vision penetrated beyond the earthwards realm.
48. The comet's orbit deteriorated sending it plummeting earthwards.
49. Her gaze rested somewhere beyond the earthwards plane.
50. The moth fluttered around the naked light bulb and then drifted earthwards onto the table below.
51. The spy plane swooped low over the ground before banking earthwards.
52. The gaze of the enlightened one remained fixed somewhere beyond the plane of earthly concerns.
53. The astronauts prepared for reentry as the capsule oriented itself earthwards.
54. His thoughts always turned earthwards to the pleasures and cares of this life.
55. The apple fell earthwards from the tree.
56. The old man's eyes gazed steadfastly earthwards as if lost in memories.
57. The archaeologist's gaze was fixed earthwards as she uncovered remnants of a lost civilization.
58. The cavalry charged earthwards down the hillside.
59. Their songs soared heavenwards while their actions remained fixed earthwards.
60. The sunrise painted the clouds hanging earthwards in golden hues.

Common Phases

1. Drift earthwards - Used to describe something slowly moving or floating towards the earth's surface.
2. Plummet earthwards - Fall abruptly and rapidly towards the earth.
3. Swoop earthwards - Dive steeply towards the earth.
4. Point earthwards - Directed or facing towards the earth.
5. Fixed earthwards - Focused on or concerned with things on the earth and not beyond.
6. His gaze was fixed earthwards - He was looking down at something on the earth rather than up towards the sky.
7. Turn earthwards - Change direction towards the earth.
8. Orient earthwards - Align towards the earth.
9. Fall earthwards - Descend towards the earth due to the force of gravity.
10. Directed earthwards - Aiming or heading towards the earth.

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