Earwitness example sentences

Related (1): testimony

"Earwitness" Example Sentences

1. As an earwitness, I can confirm that I heard the gunshots.
2. She was an earwitness to the argument between her neighbors.
3. The jury listened to the testimony of an earwitness to the crime.
4. The police were able to locate the suspect thanks to an earwitness.
5. The court relied on the testimony of an earwitness to convict the accused.
6. She was the only earwitness to the accident.
7. The earwitness heard the sound of breaking glass from the other side of the building.
8. The earwitness provided crucial evidence in solving the case.
9. As an earwitness, I could hear the music from several blocks away.
10. The earwitness reported hearing someone scream in the middle of the night.
11. The prosecution presented an earwitness who heard the defendant making threats.
12. The earwitness was able to describe the suspect's appearance to the police.
13. The earwitness claimed to hear someone running away from the scene of the crime.
14. The jury was swayed by the testimony of the earwitness.
15. The earwitness provided a detailed account of the conversation she overheard.
16. The earwitness testified that she heard a car screeching away from the scene of the accident.
17. Without an earwitness, it would have been difficult to piece together what had happened.
18. The earwitness stated that she heard a woman crying for help.
19. Her testimony as an earwitness helped the police identify the suspect's vehicle.
20. The earwitness heard the sound of footsteps approaching her from behind.
21. Thanks to an earwitness, the police were able to locate a missing person.
22. As an earwitness, she could hear the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.
23. The prosecution called an earwitness who heard the victim screaming for help.
24. The earwitness heard the sound of breaking glass and immediately called the police.
25. The earwitness recounted what she had heard to the detectives investigating the case.
26. The defense team argued that the earwitness's testimony was unreliable.
27. The earwitness overheard two men discussing a robbery they had committed.
28. The earwitness reported hearing gunshots and called the police immediately.
29. The prosecution relied heavily on the testimony of the earwitness to secure a conviction.
30. She was able to provide valuable information as an earwitness to the hit and run accident.

Common Phases

1. The earwitness heard a loud bang; then they heard screaming.
2. The police received a report from an earwitness; they claimed to have heard gunshots at the scene.
3. The earwitness testified in court today; they heard the defendant making threatening statements.
4. According to the earwitness, the car screeched to a halt; then they saw someone running away from it.
5. The earwitness claimed to have heard a woman crying for help; when they investigated, they found her trapped in a well.

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