Edged example sentences

Related (10): sharp, jagged, pointed, razored, serrated, trimmed, bordered, outlined, delimited, marginated

"Edged" Example Sentences

1. The knife had a finely edged blade.
2. The cloud edged closer, blocking out the sun.
3. The boat slowly edged into the dock.
4. The boy edged away from the angry dog.
5. I edged my chair closer to the fireplace.
6. The sun edged over the horizon, bathing the landscape in warm light.
7. The conversation edged into uncomfortable territory.
8. Her frown edged into a smile.
9. The storm edged closer, threatening to hit the city.
10. The detective edged toward the open door.
11. The salesman edged up to me and began pitching his product.
12. She edged around the muddy puddle in the path.
13. The creeping shadow edged closer to the light.
14. The conversation edged into political territory.
15. The road edged along the cliffside.
16. The bus edged into the narrow alley.
17. The sunset edged the clouds in pink and gold.
18. The knife sliced cleanly through the paper, its sharply edged blade cutting with ease.
19. The army edged forward, slowly taking the hill.
20. The clock edged nearer to midnight.
21. Her voice edged with nervousness.
22. I edged nervously along the narrow ledge.
23. Clouds edged with silver lined the horizon.
24. The town edged closer to the forest.
25. The rock wall was edged with ice.
26. The debate edged into deeper philosophical issues.
27. The plane edged across the runway before taking off.
28. I edged my mower blade after hitting a stone.
29. The leaves were edged with frost.
30. The jungle edged up to the abandoned temple.
31. The edge of town was edged with farms.
32. The furniture was edged with a delicate carving.
33. The window edged outward to let in more light.
34. Her words were edged with bitterness.
35. The football field was edged with lights.
36. The path edged its way between the trees.
37. The sky edged from gray to pink.
38. His voice edged with anger as he spoke.
39. The forest edged up to the river.
40. The pen knife had serrated edged blades for cutting rope.
41. The beach edged up to the rolling surf.
42. The smooth pebble was edged with grooves.
43. My garden edged up against the neighbor's fence.
44. The children edged toward the stage.
45. The forest edged up to the bustling town.
46. Her frown slowly edged into a smile.
47. The balloon edged up into the sky.
48. The sword had a razor sharp edged blade.
49. The path edged along the cliff's edge.
50. The dog edged toward the sleeping cat.
51. The storm edged across the rolling hills.
52. The canoe edged along the shoreline.
53. His smile was edged with bitterness.
54. The knife blade had sharp, finely edged edges.
55. He edged his way along the bank.
56. I edged open the heavy door.
57. The army edged forward slowly.
58. They edged their way into the room.
59. Her voice edged with sarcasm.
60. The sandstone wall was edged with iron bands.

Common Phases

1. The knife had a sharpened double edged blade.
2. The ling chi machine had razor edged blades that could slice through flesh and bone.
3. The weathered steps were edged with cracks and crevices.
4. The icy slope edged close to the rocky cliffside.
5. The restaurant featured tables edged in white stone.
6. The fine china had a gold edged rim.
7. The storm edged closer, bringing dark clouds and heavy rain.
8. He edged towards the exit, trying not to draw attention to himself.
9. The sun edged above the horizon, ushering in a new day.
10. The field edged right up to the forest.
11. The living room was edged by tall windows overlooking the garden.
12. The rope edged closer to the cliff, lowering her slowly down.
13. The combatants edged closer to each other, squaring off for a fight.
14. He edged nervously around the snarling Doberman, keeping his eyes fixed on the dog.
15. Anxiously, she edged her way towards the exit, checking over her shoulder frequently.
16. The waves edged up higher on the beach with each crash.
17. The razor edged knife sliced cleanly through the meat.
18. The paper edged closer to the flame, inching slowly towards ignition.
19. The sun edged into view, peeking over the horizon line.
20. The glass edged ornament balanced precariously on the table.
21. The path edged along the cliff side, narrowly avoiding the drop.
22. The sculptor used razor edged tools to shape the stone.
23. The crowd edged forward, eager for a view of the Queen.
24. The blunt edged butter knife struggled to cut through the crusty bread.
25. The deadline edged closer, yet he still had not finished the assignment.
26. The car's side edged into the next lane, narrowly missing the passing vehicle.
27. The suspect edged towards the exit, trying to escape without being noticed.
28. The metal edged box gleamed in the afternoon light.
29. The rising sun edged into view, bathing the room in warm light.
30. The wooden edged shelves bowed under the weight of the heavy books.
31. The sailboat edged towards the dock, gliding smoothly through the water.
32. The search party edged closer to the crash site, trying to remain silent.
33. The ice edged up against the shores, freezing the surface of the lake solid.
34. The bill edged through congress, garnering more support with each vote.
35. The two edged closer to each other, tentatively starting a conversation.
36. The grass edged up against the stone pathway that wound through the garden.
37. The blades of grass edged around the stones that made up the patio.
38. He edged his way through the interrogation, giving away as little as possible.
39. The lawn edged up to the gravel drive that wound through the property.
40. The dessert cutlery had finely edged handles made of silver.
41. The sunset edged over the horizon, bathing the valley in a wash of orange light.
42. The mower edged up to the thicket of weeds sprouting in the lawn.
43. The old woman edged her way carefully down the icy sidewalk.
44. The crocuses edged up through the last remains of the snow.
45. The knife edged into the lock, turning the tumblers with a practiced hand.
46. The storm edged towards land, gaining intensity as it approached the coast.
47. The waves edged towards the pier, crashing against the wooden beams.
48. The aircraft edged closer to the crash site, scanning the forest floor below.
49. The ship edged through the narrow channel, skirting the shallows.
50. The edge of the light edged further into the darkened room.
51. The moon edged over the horizon just as the sun disappeared.
52. The insects edged closer to the bright lights, drawn to the buzzing glow.
53. Anxiety edged into his mind as he waited for the exam results.
54. The gunman edged towards the hostages, a twisted smile on his face.
55. She edged cautiously away from the strange dog that was growling at her.
56. The tree line edged closer with each step, guiding him home.
57. The desk edged further into the cramped office, reducing the already limited space.
58. The suspect edged around the corner, keeping to the shadows.
59. The wooden edged door creaked open on rusted hinges.
60. Winter edged further into autumn, bringing colder temperatures and shorter days.

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