Effaced example sentences

Related (6): obliterated, erased, expunged, eradicated, deleted, annihilated

"Effaced" Example Sentences

1. The vandalism had effaced all the writing on the wall.
2. The harsh weather conditions had effaced the once visible trail.
3. The artist had carefully effaced all the pencil marks before inking the drawing.
4. The fingerprints on the glass had been effaced by the cleaning crew.
5. The old photograph had effaced over time, making it difficult to see the details.
6. The scrubbing had effaced the stain on the carpet.
7. The makeup remover had effaced the bold lipstick color.
8. The sandstorm had effaced the footprints in the desert.
9. The graffiti on the building was effaced by the city’s cleaning crew.
10. The laser treatment effaced the tattoo on her arm.
11. The cleaning solution effaced the ink stain on the white shirt.
12. The chisel had effaced some of the detailed carving on the stone statue.
13. The painter had effaced the first layer of paint with a thinner before applying another.
14. The intense fire had effaced most of the evidence of the accident scene.
15. The harsh chemicals had effaced the print on the label.
16. The eraser had effaced all the writing on the paper.
17. The strong winds had effaced the chalk drawings on the ground.
18. The cleaning crew had effaced all the fingerprints on the door handle.
19. The sandpaper had effaced the rough surface of the wood.
20. The makeup artist had effaced the imperfections on the model’s face.
21. The tide had effaced the words written on the sand.
22. The baby wipes had effaced the marker stains on the wall.
23. The polishing cloth had effaced the tarnish on the silverware.
24. The water had effaced the ink on the note she left outside.
25. The graffiti artist had effaced the previous markings with a layer of gray paint.
26. The stone steps had effaced over time, making it difficult to climb.
27. The vandal had used spray paint to efface the original design of the building.
28. The sun had effaced the colors of the faded flag on the pole.
29. The harsh chemicals in the cleaner had effaced the lettering on the plastic bottle.
30. The sharpie marker had effaced the color of the whiteboard.

Common Phases

1. The graffiti on the wall was effaced; there was no trace of it left behind.
2. She tried to efface the memory of her ex-boyfriend from her mind; it was too painful to think about.
3. The harsh rains had effaced the vibrant colors of the flowers; they now looked dull and washed out.
4. He had made a mistake in his presentation and was determined to efface the negative impression it had created; he worked harder and delivered an impeccable one the next time.
5. The years had effaced the lines on her face; she looked much younger than her age.
6. The committee tried to efface the differences between the two proposals; they merged the best elements of both to create a new one.
7. She felt ashamed of her behavior and wanted to efface it by apologizing; she wrote a sincere letter to her friend.
8. The company tried to efface the negative reviews about their product; they improved it and garnered positive ones instead.

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