Eldritch example sentences

Related (9): strange, eerie, weird, supernatural, bizarre, uncanny, spooky, otherworldly, inexplicable

"Eldritch" Example Sentences

1. The eldritch glow emanating from the abandoned house kept me from getting any closer.
2. The sound of the eldritch laughter gave me goosebumps.
3. The eldritch mist made it impossible to see more than a few feet ahead.
4. The eldritch creature appeared out of nowhere, causing a wave of fear to wash over us.
5. The eldritch atmosphere of the forbidden forest was both captivating and terrifying.
6. The eldritch runes etched into the stone seemed to glow with their own eerie light.
7. The eldritch shadows dancing on the wall made me feel like I was being watched.
8. The eldritch aroma wafting from the cauldron was both unpleasant and intriguing.
9. The eldritch whispers in my ear made me feel like I was going insane.
10. The eldritch storm that had been brewing for hours finally unleashed its fury.
11. The eldritch orb pulsated with energy, drawing us closer with each passing second.
12. The eldritch chant echoed through the halls, making me feel like I was in a nightmare.
13. The eldritch aura surrounding the ancient tome warned me of the danger within.
14. The eldritch power surging through my veins made me feel invincible.
15. The eldritch colors swirling in the sky were both beautiful and ominous.
16. The eldritch howls of the wind made it hard to hear anything else.
17. The eldritch talisman glowed with an otherworldly light.
18. The eldritch portal opened, revealing a realm beyond our own.
19. The eldritch figure standing before us seemed to be made of shadows.
20. The eldritch music played on, drawing us closer to the source.
21. The eldritch energy pulsing through the ley lines was almost too much to bear.
22. The eldritch fog made it impossible to see anything beyond your nose.
23. The eldritch tentacles rising from the deep rooted me to the spot.
24. The eldritch sensation of being watched from the dark trees was unnerving.
25. The eldritch flames flickered, casting strange shadows on the walls.
26. The eldritch cold creeping through the air made it hard to breathe.
27. The eldritch light coming from the old lighthouse was both beautiful and eerie.
28. The eldritch artifact hummed with power, mesmerizing me.
29. The eldritch patterns etched into the walls seemed to move on their own.
30. The eldritch force driving me forward was unstoppable.

Common Phases

1. The eldritch glow emanating from the abandoned house frightened the locals;
2. As the priest recited the eldritch chant, the spirits began to stir;
3. The eldritch atmosphere in the haunted forest was almost palpable;
4. The eldritch symbols etched onto the stone altar hinted at a dark and ancient ritual;
5. The eldritch horror that lurked in the shadows paralyzed the adventurers with fear;
6. The eldritch whispers that echoed through the catacombs sent shivers down their spines;
7. The eldritch power of the ancient artifact was too much for mere mortals to handle;
8. The eldritch creatures that descended from the cloudy sky looked like something out of a nightmare;
9. The eldritch mist that settled over the village brought with it dire omens;
10. The eldritch force that drove the mad scientist to his experiments was beyond comprehension.

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