Emissary example sentences

Related (7): envoy, representative, diplomat, agent, messenger, intermediary, go-between

"Emissary" Example Sentences

1. The emissary from the neighboring kingdom brought news of the impending attack.
2. The queen sent an emissary to negotiate a peace treaty with the enemy.
3. The company chose an emissary to represent them at the international conference.
4. The king's emissary traveled to the distant land to forge an alliance.
5. The diplomat acted as an emissary to convey the terms of the agreement.
6. The emissary was tasked with delivering a message of goodwill to the rival faction.
7. The tribal leader appointed an emissary to seek assistance from neighboring tribes.
8. The emissary from the embassy arrived to assist the stranded citizens.
9. The spy acted as an emissary to gather intelligence from the enemy camp.
10. The negotiator acted as an emissary of peace and reconciliation.
11. The emissary was met with hostility when he arrived in the enemy territory.
12. The emissary delivered the ultimatum that signaled the end of the war.
13. The emissary from the royal court sought an audience with the rebel leader.
14. The emissary carried a message of gratitude from the ruler to the loyal subjects.
15. The emissary was captured and held for ransom by the bandits.
16. The emissary negotiated a trade deal on behalf of the merchants.
17. The emissary from the alien planet landed on earth to establish contact.
18. The rebel sent an emissary to seek support from the neighboring country.
19. The emissary was instructed to negotiate a prisoner exchange with the enemy.
20. The emissary was ordered to deliver a warning to the opposing commander.
21. The emissary was sent to investigate the rumors of a secret weapon in development.
22. The emissary was chosen for his diplomatic skills and linguistic proficiency.
23. The emissary's arrival was awaited with anticipation and anxiety.
24. The emissary from the religious order came to enlighten the heathen tribes.
25. The emissary was greeted with pomp and ceremony by the welcoming delegation.
26. The emissary's mission was to secure a beneficial trade agreement for the nation.
27. The emissary escaped from the enemy territory with valuable intelligence.
28. The emissary's message of peace was rejected by the warmongering rulers.
29. The emissary navigated the treacherous terrain to reach the mountain kingdom.
30. The emissary accomplished his mission of securing support for the endangered cause.

Common Phases

1. The ambassador sent the emissary to negotiate the treaty;
2. The company chose an emissary to represent them at the business conference;
3. The king dispatched an emissary to the neighboring country to request aid;
4. The United Nations appointed an emissary to mediate the peace talks;
5. The tribal chief welcomed the emissary with open arms;
6. The spy disguised himself as an emissary to carry out his mission;
7. The pope appointed an emissary to investigate the allegations of abuse;
8. The scientist acted as an emissary of knowledge, sharing his findings with the world;
9. The famous actress acted as an emissary for the charity organization, promoting their cause.

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