Emitted example sentences

Related (9): released, discharged, radiated, exuded, emanated, expelled, unleashed, spewed, disgorged

"Emitted" Example Sentences

1. The factory emitted large amounts of harmful chemicals into the atmosphere.
2. The volcano emitted a plume of ash and smoke into the sky.
3. The smoke detector emitted a high-pitched beep when smoke entered the room.
4. The light bulb emitted a soft glow that filled the room.
5. The fluorescent light emitted a harsh greenish light.
6. When the dog barked, it emitted a low growl.
7. The speaker emitted a loud buzzing noise.
8. The car emitted a strange smell when it overheated.
9. The sun emitted powerful rays of ultraviolet light.
10. When the fireworks exploded, they emitted colorful sparks.
11. The X-ray machine emitted radiation that had to be shielded.
12. The photons emitted by the laser had high intensity.
13. The flashlight emitted a weak beam of light.
14. The frog emitted a loud croak in the middle of the night.
15. The star emitted powerful gamma rays into the universe.
16. The security device emitted an annoying high-pitched alarm.
17. Heat is emitted from warm objects such as a radiator.
18. The pigs emitted foul odors from their pen.
19. The exhaust pipe emitted a cloud of noxious fumes.
20. She emitted a gasp of surprise when she saw the gift.
21. The lightning bolt emitted a loud crack as it struck the ground.
22. The fire emitted heat and smoke into the night sky.
23. The earthquake emitted powerful seismic waves that damaged buildings.
24. When he heard the news, he emitted a low groan and put his head in his hands.
25. The tea kettle emitted a high-pitched whistle when the water boiled.
26. The chimpanzee emitted a loud shriek when it saw the snake.
27. The supernova emitted a powerful burst of radiation into space.
28. The flowers emitted a sweet perfume that filled the air.
29. The speaker emitted an annoying buzz of static.
30. The engine emitted unhealthy fumes as it idled.
31. When excited, the puppy emitted little yips of joy.
32. The child emitted a scream of terror when he saw the ghost.
33. The computer monitor emitted an annoying flickering light.
34. The candles emitted a pleasant scent as they burned.
35. When he told the joke, everyone emitted peals of laughter.
36. The rocket emitted burning exhaust as it launched into the air.
37. Her hands emitted an unhealthy yellow odor.
38. When she cried, her eyes emitted tears.
39. The child emitted a piercing wail when he fell and hurt himself.
40. The nebula emitted infrared radiation that revealed its composition.
41. The radioactive material emitted dangerous particles.
42. The swing emitted a loud squeak with each movement.
43. The furnace emitted waves of stifling hot air.
44. The crowd emitted a roar of approval when their team scored.
45. The melting ice cubes emitted a soft hissing sound.
46. The engine emitted blue exhaust as it idled.
47. The puppy emitted an excited yip when it saw its owner.
48. The boy emitted a whimper of pain when he fell.
49. The machine emitted a stream of hot air that dried the paint.
50. His lungs emitted noxious fumes from years of smoking.
51. The computer emitted a high-pitched whine while processing data.
52. When angry, he emitted a low growl and clenched his fists.
53. The incense emitted an aromatic fragrance that filled the room.
54. When scared, the rabbit emitted a high-pitched squeal.
55. Her eyes emitted hot tears of anger and frustration.
56. The radio emitted a low hiss of static between songs.
57. The flame emitted a warm orange glow and crackling sounds.
58. The device emitted an earsplitting siren when it detected danger.
59. The plant emitted a sharp pine-like fragrance when crushed.
60. The distant star emitted light that had taken millions of years to arrive.

Common Phases

1. The smoke emitted from the chimney covered the area in a thick fog.
2. The factory emitted harmful pollutants into the air.
3. Light is emitted from the sun.
4. The lava emitted from the volcano covered the village.
5. The car emitted an acrid odor due to the oil leak.
6. The candle emitted a soft glow that illuminated the room.
7. The speakers emitted a loud static noise before the music began to play.
8. The fireworks emitted brightly colored lights into the night sky.
9. The fluorescent light emitted a harsh white glow from the ceiling.
10. The fire alarm emitted a high pitched squeal when activated.
11. The device emitted an ultrasonic signal to detect objects.
12. The volcano continually emitted steam and ash into the atmosphere.
13. The light from the lamp emitted a warm yellow glow.
14. The radio emitter transmitted the signal to the receiver.
15. The hospital emitted a sterile antiseptic odor.
16. The mice emitted high pitched squeaks when disturbed.
17. The device emitted an infrared beam to scan the room.
18. Heat is continually emitted from the Earth's core.
19. The greenhouse gases emitted by humans are warming the planet.
20. The experiment emitted an unpleasant odor that filled the lab.
21. The phone emitted a shrill ringing noise when it received a call.
22. The speaker emitted loud noises that disturbed the neighbors.
23. The microphone emitted his voice to the audience in the hall.
24. The machine emitted a steady humming sound while it was working.
25. The power plant emits huge amounts of greenhouse gases.
26. The small device emitted a piercing alarm when the perimeter was breached.
27. The bulbs emitted bright white light that flooded the stage.
28. The campfire emitted plumes of smoke into the darkening sky.
29. The radioactive substance emitted harmful rays that damaged the lab equipment.
30. The train whistle emitted a long peal as it approached the station.
31. The house emitted an odor of mothballs and stale air.
32. The star emitted huge amounts of energy into space.
33. The electronic device emitted a buzz that disrupted radio frequencies.
34. The camera flash emitted a bright burst of light at the moment of exposure.
35. The outgassing from the new carpet emitted an odor that lingered for days.
36. The dog emitted a low growl when the stranger approached.
37. The experiment emitted swirling particles that gave off a green glow.
38. The mountain peak emitted plumes of smoke that rose high into the atmosphere.
39. The experiment emitted a hissing sound and green smoke before the flask exploded.
40. The fluorescent bulbs emitted a harsh light that strained her eyes.
41. The experiment emitted a putrid odor due to the rotten eggs used in the reaction.
42. The exhaust pipe emitted clouds of black smoke into the air.
43. The laser beam emitted a narrow shaft of intense light.
44. The fluorescent panels emitted a cool bluish glow throughout the office.
45. The decaying matter emitted a foul odor that permeated the area.
46. The meteors emitted colorful streaks as they entered the atmosphere.
47. The pipe emitted steam that fogged the mirrors in the bathroom.
48. The neon sign emitted a bright glow that flickered through the darkness.
49. The truck emitted clouds of black smoke as it crawled up the steep hill.
50. The campfire emitted showers of sparks into the night.
51. The liquid emitted bubbles that created a thick foam on the surface.
52. The seal emitted a barking cry as it popped its head out of the water.
53. The microwave emitted powerful radiation that damaged the experiment.
54. The bioluminescent organism emitted an eerie green glow in the dark cave.
55. The thunderstorm emitted loud claps of thunder that shook the house.
56. The creature emitted an unearthly shriek that filled the air.
57. The glow sticks emitted a pale green glow as they swung from the tree branches.
58. The welding torch emitted orange and yellow sparks as metal pieces were joined.
59. The experiment emitted gamma radiation that caused the mice to become ill.
60. The plant emitted a pleasant floral scent that filled the air.

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