Empathetical example sentences

Related (10): empathetic, empathic, compassionate, understanding, sensitive, caring, considerate, kind, humane, tender-hearted

"Empathetical" Example Sentences

1. As an empath, I have a naturally empathetical nature and tend to feel the emotions of others quite strongly.
2. Empathetical communication is crucial in building strong relationships and fostering understanding between individuals.
3. The therapist demonstrated great empathetical skills when working with her patients, providing encouragement and guidance.
4. It is important for leaders to have an empathetical approach when dealing with their team members, understanding their perspectives and concerns.
5. Teachers who possess empathetical qualities are often more effective in connecting with their students and addressing their needs.
6. The author's empathetical writing style allowed readers to really connect with the characters and understand their experiences.
7. Empathetical listening involves paying close attention to the speaker and showing genuine interest in their thoughts and emotions.
8. An empathetical response to someone experiencing sadness might be offering empathy and support, rather than trying to fix the situation.
9. Empathetical behavior involves putting oneself in another's shoes and considering their feelings and needs.
10. Employers who prioritize an empathetical workplace culture tend to have more engaged employees and higher rates of retention.
11. Empathetical leadership means leading with compassion and understanding, rather than solely focusing on results and outcomes.
12. Empathetical reasoning considers how others may feel and think, taking into account their perspectives and experiences.
13. A highly empathetical person may take on the emotions of others, feeling happy or sad based on the people around them.
14. Empathetical communication in conflict resolution involves active listening, validation, and trying to understand the other person's point of view.
15. Empathetical parenting involves listening to the child's needs and emotions, and providing a safe and supportive environment.
16. Empathetical design takes into consideration the needs and experiences of the user, creating products that are intuitive and user-friendly.
17. An empathetical response to someone experiencing discrimination might involve acknowledging their experience and advocating for change.
18. Empathetical assisting involves providing support and assistance to others based on their individual needs and preferences.
19. Empathetical care providers take into account the unique needs and feelings of their patients, providing compassionate care.
20. An empathetical approach to leadership involves listening to and understanding the concerns of all team members, not just the most vocal or visible ones.
21. Empathetical writing involves using vivid and descriptive language to convey emotions and experiences in a way that resonates with readers.
22. A highly empathetical person may feel overwhelmed or drained if they are surrounded by negative or stressful experiences.
23. Empathetical decision-making takes into account the potential impact on others and considers their needs and perspectives.
24. An empathetical approach to conflict resolution involves seeking common ground and finding solutions that benefit everyone involved.
25. Empathetical customer service involves actively listening to the customer, demonstrating empathy, and finding solutions to meet their needs.
26. Empathetical research involves considering the perspectives and experiences of the people being studied, and conducting research in an ethical manner.
27. Empathetical leadership involves creating a culture of inclusivity and understanding, where all team members are valued and respected.
28. Empathetical marketing involves speaking directly to the needs and desires of the target audience, creating messaging that resonates with them.
29. Empathetical coaching involves understanding the needs and motivations of the client, and providing tailored support and guidance.
30. An empathetical response to someone experiencing a difficult situation might involve asking how you can help, and letting them know that you are there for them.

Common Phases

1. I can understand how you feel; empathetically speaking, that must have been really difficult for you.
2. Empathetically speaking, I know what it's like to lose a loved one; I'm here to support you.
3. It sounds like you're going through a tough time; empathetically, I want you to know that I'm here for you if you need to talk.
4. I can imagine that this situation is causing you a lot of stress and anxiety; empathetically speaking, it's important to take care of yourself during times like these.
5. Empathetically, I understand that everyone has their own struggles and challenges; let me know how I can support you.

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