Empathise example sentences

Related (10): understand, compassionate, relate, sympathize, connect, feel, identify, perceive, appreciate, imagine

"Empathise" Example Sentences

1. It is important to empathise with others and understand their perspectives.
2. I always try to empathise with my patients and provide them with the best care.
3. Can you empathise with how difficult this situation must be for him?
4. Without the ability to empathise, it would be impossible to form meaningful connections with others.
5. We need leaders who can empathise with the struggles of everyday citizens.
6. By taking the time to empathise with my employees, I have been able to create a more positive work environment.
7. It's hard to empathise with someone if you haven't experienced a similar situation yourself.
8. Children learn to empathise by observing the behaviours of those around them.
9. Some people find it difficult to empathise with those outside of their own social circle.
10. Journalists must be able to empathise with the people they are reporting on in order to tell their stories effectively.
11. Teachers who empathise with their students can help them feel more comfortable and engaged in the classroom.
12. By empathising with the needs of our customers, we have been able to improve our products and services.
13. In order to resolve conflicts, it is important to empathise with the perspectives of both parties involved.
14. My therapist helped me to empathise with my own emotions and understand them better.
15. Empathising with the struggles of others can help us to appreciate our own lives more fully.
16. Without the ability to empathise, we would be unable to recognise and respond to the emotions of others.
17. When we empathise with someone, we are able to connect with them on a deeper level.
18. It's important to empathise with the challenges faced by people in different parts of the world.
19. Empathising with someone's pain can be a powerful way to show support and understanding.
20. Leaders who can empathise with their employees tend to have more loyal and motivated teams.
21. By empathising with our customers, we can anticipate their needs and provide better service.
22. Empathising with someone can help us to overcome our own biases and prejudices.
23. Without the ability to empathise, it would be difficult to develop meaningful relationships.
24. It can be challenging to empathise with someone who has hurt us, but it can also be healing.
25. Empathising with someone's perspective doesn't necessarily mean agreeing with them.
26. We all have the capacity to empathise, but it can be difficult to access this empathy in certain situations.
27. Good negotiators are able to empathise with the motivations and goals of the other party.
28. Empathising with someone's situation can help us to be more compassionate and understanding.
29. It's important to empathise with different cultures and customs in order to build stronger relationships.
30. Empathising with ourselves can be a powerful way to heal from past hurts and move forward.

Common Phases

1. Putting oneself in another's shoes;
2. Feeling what another person is feeling;
3. Understanding someone else's perspective;
4. Grasping the emotions of others;
5. Seeing things from someone else's point of view.

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