Enabler example sentences

Related (10): facilitator, supporter, accomplice, promoter, instigator, catalyst, sponsor, propellant, assistant, collaborator

"Enabler" Example Sentences

1. Substance abuse is an enabler of many social issues.
2. The new technology is an enabler for remote work and productivity gains.
3. The government made several policy changes that served as enablers for economic growth.
4. Reducing red tape and bureaucracy was an important policy enabler for small businesses.
5. A new skilled workforce could serve as an enabler for increased automation in manufacturing.
6. Advanced machine learning algorithms are an enabler for new types of artificial intelligence.
7. Improved transportation infrastructure acted as an enabler for the expansion of the region's economy.
8. New funding was an important enabler for the launch of the start-up company.
9. The family finally realized that they needed to stop being enablers for the daughter's drug addiction.
10. Strong social networks can serve as important enablers for entrepreneurship and new business formation.
11. Political reform was an essential enabler to improve the country's business climate.
12. Transparency and accountability in government act as enablers for economic growth and development.
13. Improved access to capital and financing often serve as important enablers for small business growth.
14. Education and workforce training programs can act as important enablers of economic mobility.
15. The individual's parents unfortunately enabled rather than corrected the self-destructive behavior.
16. They realized that they had been enablers of his addictions for too long and needed to cut him off.
17. The availability of healthcare services often acts as an enabler for other economic development.
18. The new foster parents vowed not to be enablers of the child's disruptive behaviors.
19. Improved infrastructure often serves as an important enabler for supply chain and logistics networks.
20. The software suite will enable rather than constrain customer innovation and productivity gains.
21. Enabling the free flow of data and information is essential for business growth and innovation.
22. He argued that lack of investor capital was an inhibiting rather than enabling factor for his start-up.
23. The interstate highway system enabled the growth of suburbs and commuter towns.
24. The new supply chain management system will enable operational efficiencies throughout the business.
25. Proper parenting involves teaching, correcting and disciplining rather than enabling bad behaviors.
26. Community support systems enable independence and quality of life for individuals with disabilities.
27. Improvements in software and automation technology will enable new forms of customer service.
28. Access to affordable, high-speed internet acts as an enabling factor for many modern businesses.
29. The new technology should enable increased flexibility and customization for our client base.
30. The mentor helped enable his success rather than doing things for him or giving him answers.
31. Skilled labor and a talented workforce act as key enabling factors for productivity and growth.
32. Unfortunately, her parents had often been enablers of her self-destructive behaviors.
33. Peace and stability serve as important enabling factors for economic and social progress.
34. The parents refused to be enablers for their adult son's financial dependence.
35. Greater transparency and open communication will enable greater trust and collaboration.
36. Reduced trade barriers and tariffs enabled globalization and international business growth.
37. Policy reforms that enable competition often lead to lower prices and more innovation.
38. The customer does not want us to simply enable their operations; they want us to transform them.
39. Strong leadership and good governance act as enabling factors for societal wellbeing.
40. The digital revolution has enabled new forms of social connection and community.
41. His refusal to seek help showed that he wanted to be enabled rather than empowered to change.
42. Our tools and technologies aim to enable customers rather than lock them into any single platform.
43. Supportive parents aim to empower their children rather than simply enable them.
44. Infrastructure investments enabled the growth and connectedness of large modern cities.
45. Healthcare access enables people to live longer, healthier and more productive lives.
46. Excessive praise enables a lack of resilience and an inability to cope with criticism or failure.
47. The mentor's guidance was meant to help enable the student rather than provide direct answers.
48. Free exchange of information enables new discoveries, innovation and economic growth.
49. The data analytics platform will enable smarter and more timely business decisions.
50. Communication technologies enabled new forms of collaboration and productivity gains.
51. Financial support for her reckless spending habits only served to enable her irresponsibility.
52. Technological advances over the last century have enabled massive productivity gains.
53. Information transparency enables better choices and more efficient markets.
54. Education systems aim to empower students rather than simply enable them.
55. The government considered ways to enable rather than discourage entrepreneurship.
56. The company wanted their products to empower customers rather than simply enable processes.
57. Financial inclusion and access to credit enable opportunities for underserved populations.
58. Our teaching will aim to empower her so she learns to do things herself rather than simply enable her.
59. Advances in robotics and artificial intelligence will enable new levels of automation.
60. New tools and technologies enable individuals and small businesses to compete on a global scale.

Common Phases

• Key enabler - Something that enables or makes something else possible.
• Act as an enabler - To enable or facilitate something.
• Serve as an enabler - To enable or make something easier to accomplish.
• Acting as an enabler - Performing an enabling role or function.
• Function as an enabler - To enable or allow something to work properly.
• Important enabler - Something essential that enables something else.
• Crucial enabler - An element that is absolutely necessary to enable something.
• Major enabler - A significant factor that enables an outcome.
• Critical enabler - An indispensable element that enables an activity or process.
• Technology enabler - A technology that enables new capabilities or functions.
• Policy enabler - A policy measure that enables an outcome or change.
• Funding enabler - Financial support that enables an effort, project or initiative.
• Infrastructure enabler - Infrastructure that enables social or economic activity.

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