Endear example sentences

Related (10): affectionate, fond, devoted, likable, charming, lovable, adorable, sweet, dear, appealing

"Endear" Example Sentences

1. Her kindness endeared her to everyone she met.
2. His sense of humor and joyful spirit endeared him to his coworkers.
3. The puppy's playful antics endeared it to the family.
4. Her gentleness and patience endeared her to the young children.
5. His humility and modesty endeared him to his fans.
6. The baby's smile and laughter endeared her to everyone in the room.
7. Her thoughtfulness and generosity endeared her to her friends.
8. His willingness to help others endeared him to the community.
9. The kitten's purring and cuddly nature endeared it to its new owner.
10. His acts of charity and volunteer work endeared him to the less fortunate.
11. Her sincere interest in others endeared her to many acquaintances.
12. His competence and reliability endeared him to his boss and coworkers.
13. The puppy's sweet and affectionate nature endeared it to the new family.
14. Her warmth and friendliness endeared her to strangers and regular customers alike.
15. The baby's adorable giggles endeared him to visitors.
16. Her nurturing spirit and gentle demeanor endeared her to all who knew her.
17. The cat's antics and playfulness endeared it to the children in the house.
18. His charming stories and anecdotes endeared him to audiences.
19. The kitten's soft purrs and cuddly behavior endeared it to the little girl.
20. His honesty and integrity endeared him to business associates.
21. Her relaxed and easygoing manner endeared her to colleagues and friends.
22. The puppy's eagerness to please endeared it to its new owner.
23. His ability to admit mistakes and learn from them endeared him to his superiors.
24. The rescue dog's loyal and devoted personality endeared it to its new family.
25. Her gentle smile and softly spoken words endeared her to troubled souls.
26. The charm and warmth of his personality endeared him to all who met him.
27. The baby's sweet giggles and smiles endeared her to visitors and family alike.
28. His courage and determination in adversity endeared him to his team.
29. The cat's playful nature and purring endeared it to children in the house.
30. Her big heart and selfless spirit endeared her to many less fortunate people.
31. The puppy's eagerness to please and be close endeared it to the children in the house.
32. His loyalty and dedication to others endeared him to coworkers, friends and family.
33. The kitten's playful antics and loving nature endeared it to the little girl.
34. His cheerful and optimistic outlook endeared him to coworkers and strangers.
35. Her acts of generosity and kindness endeared her to those in need of help.
36. The baby's sweet smile and soft coos endeared her to new visitors.
37. His ability to listen without judgment endeared him to many acquaintances and friends.
38. The rescue dog's eagerness to please and devotion endeared it to its new owners.
39. Her amiability and warmhearted spirit endeared her to colleagues and friends.
40. The kitten's gentle purrs and soft fur endeared it to the little girl.
41. The puppy's lively nature and eagerness to please endeared it to the children.
42. His witty humor and funny anecdotes endeared him to coworkers and friends.
43. The baby's curious nature and wide-eyed wonder endeared her to caregivers and relatives.
44. Her remarkable courage and perseverance endeared her to anyone who saw her overcome adversity.
45. The rescue cat's gentle purrs and affectionate nature endeared it to its new owner.
46. His ability to make others feel valued and appreciated endeared him to friends and colleagues.
47. The puppy's soft fur and playful antics endeared it to the children in the household.
48. Her sincerity and emotional honesty endeared her to longtime friends and new acquaintances alike.
49. The kitten's playful nature and eagerness for attention endeared it to the little girl.
50. His desire to lift the spirits of others with kindness and humor endeared him to family and friends.
51. Her sweet, cheerful demeanor endeared her to all who came in contact with her.
52. The baby's soft coos and sweet smiles endeared her to caregivers and relatives.
53. His willingness to help others in need, without complaint or expectation, endeared him to the community.
54. The rescued puppy's eagerness to please and loving nature endeared it to its new owners.
55. Her genuine interest in others and ability to make them feel valued endeared her to friends and colleagues.
56. The baby's joyful laughter and smile endeared her to visitors and caregivers alike.
57. The cat's playful nature and soft purrs endeared it to children and adults in the home.
58. The puppy's sweet face and soft fur endeared it to the new family.
59. His kind and caring nature, and willingness to listen without judgement, endeared him to friends and strangers alike.
60. The kitten's adorable antics and playful manner endeared it to the children in the household.

Common Phases

1. endear oneself to someone - To make someone fond of or attached to oneself.
2. help one endear oneself - To do something that helps someone become liked or favored.
3. certain qualities/traits that endear - Certain characteristics that cause someone to be liked.
4. qualities that endear them to their fans - Traits that make fans fond of them.
5. endeared himself/herself to the public - Made the public fond of or attached to oneself.
6. endearing smile/laugh/personality - A smile, laugh or personality that causes one to be liked.
7. endearing qualities - amiable traits that make someone likable.
8. an endearing trait - A characteristic that causes one to be liked or loved.
9. endears her/him to me - Causes me to become fond of or attached to that person.
10. behavior that endeared him/her to everyone - Actions that caused everyone to like him/her.

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