Endearing example sentences

Related (13): adorable, charming, lovable, delightful, sweet, appealing, captivating, enchanting, winsome, precious, cute, darling, dear.

"Endearing" Example Sentences

1. Her wide smile and habit of tilting her head to the side was endearing.
2. His awkward shyness and constant blushing made him endearing to many of the girls at school.
3. The little puppy with his huge paws and clumsy movements was incredibly endearing.
4. Her quirky sense of humor and cheerful laugh made her an endearing person.
5. The sweet manner in which he tried to help others was one of his most endearing qualities.
6. The way she hugged everyone she met was quite endearing.
7. The children's innocence and lack of guile made them endearing to those adults who took the time to appreciate them.
8. His clumsy handwriting and spelling mistakes became endearing over time.
9. Her honest enthusiasm and eagerness to please made her an endearing co-worker.
10. His loyalty and devotion to his friends was one of his most endearing characteristics.
11. The endearing ditzy remarks she would make elicited chuckles from her friends.
12. Her childlike wonder at simple things was part of what made her so endearing.
13. The young girl's sincere apologies and attempts to make amends were quite endearing.
14. The old man's stubborn insistence on doing things his own way had become endearing after so many years.
15. His clumsy efforts to express his feelings were terribly endearing.
16. The kitten's innocent curiosity and playfulness was incredibly endearing to behold.
17. The little boy's habit of offering to help with even the simplest of tasks was quite endearing.
18. The woman had a way of looking at the world with wonder that was quite endearing.
19. The dog's pathetic attempts to beg for treats were incredibly endearing.
20. His delight at simple pleasures made him an endearing friend.
21. The child's enthusiasm for learning new things was incredibly endearing.
22. Her squeals of delight at surprises made her an endearing friend.
23. His genuine interest in others and willingness to listen made him a truly endearing person.
24. The sweet little stories she would make up were endearing expressions of her creativity.
25. Her passion for social justice causes made her an endearing activist.
26. Her constant references to inside jokes made her an endearing companion.
27. The older man's kind but firm demeanor made him an endearing grandfather figure.
28. The way he fussed over his garden was an endearing hobby.
29. His gentle way with animals made him an endearing veterinarian.
30. Her constant apologies, whether needed or not, were somewhat endearing.
31. His sincere compliments and gratitude made him an endearing friend.
32. Her honest enthusiasm and optimistic outlook on life made her an endearing co-worker.
33. The little boy's habit of hugging everyone's legs upon greeting them was rather endearing.
34. His clumsiness around technology became rather endearing after a while.
35. The toddler's constant curiosity and eagerness to learn everything was incredibly endearing to witness.
36. Her complete lack of interest in fashion or makeup made her an endearingly quirky character.
37. The child's habit of making up songs about everyday objects was quite endearing.
38. His open joy at simple pleasures like warm pancakes or rainy days was utterly endearing.
39. The kitten's innocent trust and need for affection made her an endearing pet.
40. Her giggles at silly jokes made her an endearing friend.
41. The old woman's stories about her youth were endearing depictions of another era.
42. The young boy's merciless teasing of his baby sister was somewhat endearing.
43. His tendency to goof off and joke around became endearing after a while.
44. His old-fashioned manners and courtesy made him an endearing companion.
45. Her random acts of kindness made her an endearing figure.
46. The toddler's fascination with the littlest things like ladybugs or rainbows was quite endearing.
47. The old man's obvious delight in simple pleasures like a game of checkers made him endearing to be around.
48. Her quaint fashion sense and disinterest in trends made her an endearing figure.
49. The puppy's constant need for affection and approval was utterly endearing.
50. Her habit of initiating hugs with everyone made her an endearing person.
51. The child's blunt assessments of things around her were hilarious and somewhat endearing.
52. The boy's huge grin and belly laughs were utterly endearing.
53. His old-fashioned manners and courtesy made him an endearing figure.
54. The toddler's fascination with the littlest things like ladybugs or rainbows was quite endearing.
55. Her giggles at silly jokes and puns made her an endearing companion.
56. The young girl's constant questions about everything served as endearing expressions of her curiosity.
57. The kitten's awkward wobbles as she learned to walk were utterly endearing to behold.
58. His pleasant stories about his childhood made him an endearing figure.
59. The old woman's delight in little pleasures like candy and iced tea made her endearing to be around.
60. The child's spirit of wonder and curiosity served as an endearing lesson for adults.

Common Phases

1. Her endearing smile
2. Her endearing nature
3. His endearing charm
4. His endearing mannerisms
5. An endearing personality
6. Endearing quirks
7. The puppy's endearing clumsiness
8. The child's endearing innocence

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