Endemicity example sentences

Related (6): Endemicity, prevalence, distribution, incidence, frequency, occurrence.

"Endemicity" Example Sentences

1. The endemicity of malaria in some parts of Africa is a cause for concern.
2. Scholars are studying the endemicity of certain diseases in rural areas.
3. The endemicity of the Zika virus has led to travel warnings for pregnant women.
4. Understanding the endemicity of a disease is key to developing effective prevention strategies.
5. The endemicity of Lyme disease varies widely depending on the region.
6. The endemicity rates of tuberculosis are much higher in developing countries.
7. The endemicity of a disease can be influenced by factors such as climate and population density.
8. Assessment of the endemicity of a disease requires careful collection and analysis of data.
9. The endemicity of a disease can be difficult to determine in areas with limited healthcare resources.
10. The endemicity of certain mosquito-borne illnesses is linked to habitat destruction and climate change.
11. The endemicity of cholera in Haiti was exacerbated by the earthquake in 2010.
12. Efforts to combat the endemicity of HIV in certain regions have met with varying levels of success.
13. In some cases, endemicity can be a protective factor against disease outbreaks.
14. Scientists are working to understand the endemicity of novel viruses such as COVID-19.
15. The endemicity of waterborne illnesses can be mitigated with improved sanitation and hygiene.
16. Economic and social inequalities can contribute to the endemicity of certain diseases in impoverished communities.
17. The endemicity of a disease can influence its political and economic impact.
18. Drug-resistant strains of diseases are often linked to high levels of endemicity.
19. The endemicity of malaria in the Amazon Basin has significant public health implications.
20. The endemicity of typhoid fever is a major concern in many parts of Asia.
21. The endemicity of influenza in certain regions results in annual seasonal outbreaks.
22. The endemicity of certain diseases can be traced back to specific cultural practices.
23. Environmental factors such as pollution can exacerbate the endemicity of respiratory diseases.
24. The endemicity of emerging infectious diseases highlights the need for proactive surveillance and response.
25. Understanding the endemicity of a disease can help inform policy decisions regarding vaccination and treatment.
26. The unique endemicity of diseases in different regions can pose challenges for global health initiatives.
27. The endemicity of certain diseases can have implications for international travel and commerce.
28. The endemicity of leprosy in certain regions highlights the need for continued research and treatment efforts.
29. Changes in land use and agricultural practices can contribute to the endemicity of certain zoonotic diseases.
30. The endemicity of certain diseases in wildlife populations can have implications for human health.

Common Phases

1. The endemicity of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa;
2. Understanding the endemicity of dengue fever in Southeast Asia;
3. The high endemicity of leprosy in India;
4. The endemicity of tuberculosis in urban areas;
5. The rising endemicity of Lyme disease in North America;
6. Mapping the endemicity of schistosomiasis in South America;
7. The endemicity of yellow fever in parts of Africa and Central/South America;
8. The endemicity of HIV/AIDS in certain populations;
9. The endemicity of measles in developing countries;
10. Investigating the endemicity of Zika virus in the Caribbean.

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