"Ennoble" Example Sentences
1. Her courage and sacrifice ennobled her memories for years to come.
2. He sought to ennoble mankind through his noble deeds and words of wisdom.
3. The poet sought to ennoble the human spirit through his verses.
4. The struggle ennobled the soul and strengthened the character.
5. Service to others ennobles the servant.
6. His actions ennobled his reputation for generations.
7. Hardship and suffering can ennoble the human spirit.
8. Adversity can ennoble or embitter the soul, depending on how we respond to it.
9. The cause ennobled their sacrifice and made it worthwhile.
10. He lived a simple life but one that ennobled the human spirit.
11. He hoped his work would ennoble and elevate those who read it.
12. The experience ennobled her and made her wiser.
13. Art should ennoble and inspire, not merely entertain.
14. Wisdom and knowledge ennoble both the giver and receiver.
15. Great music has the power to ennoble and uplift the human soul.
16. The battle ennobled their names forever in the annals of history.
17. Their story ennobled the struggle for justice and freedom.
18. Her suffering ennobled her character and lent grace to her spirit.
19. Labor of the right sort ennobles the laborer.
20. Their long walk ennobled their spirits and renewed their hope.
21. The difficult climb ennobled their efforts and filled them with pride.
22. Their deeds ennobled their names for centuries to come.
23. His principled stand ennobled his reputation and inspired others.
24. Truth and justice ennoble any endeavor, however small.
25. Literature should ennoble as well as entertain.
26. The reward ennobled the deed and lent it meaning.
27. Their hardship ennobled their characters and made them wise.
28. The ordeal ennobled their souls even as it tested their endurance.
29. True heroism ennobles both the hero and the cause.
30. Great leaders seek to ennoble mankind rather than dominate it.
31. Religion, at its best, seeks to ennoble human nature and uplift the spirit.
32. Love when it truly ennobles the spirit is devoid of self.
33. The romance sought to ennoble love by uniting two noble souls.
34. The triumph ennobled their efforts and made their struggle worthwhile.
35. Beauty, when it truly ennobles, arises from within the soul.
36. Kindness ennobles both giver and receiver, for it binds us together as one.
37. The surpassing difficulty ennobled their achievement beyond all expectation.
38. Sacrifice ennobles the giver and purifies the heart.
39. Their long journey ennobled their spirits and gave them cause to hope again.
40. The legend sought to ennoble human nature by portraying our highest aspirations.
41. Duty, when it truly ennobles, uplifts both servant and served.
42. His struggle ennobled the human spirit and gave us cause to aspire higher.
43. The march ennobled their spirits even as it taxed their endurance.
44. True religion seeks to ennoble human nature and unite us in bonds of peace.
45. Any noble cause calls us upward and ennobles our souls.
46. Hardship can either embitter or ennoble the human spirit.
47. Great art seeks to ennoble human experience and elevate the human spirit.
48. The climb ennobled their achievement and made their goal worthwhile.
49. Knowledge and wisdom, when humbly received, ennoble the wise and the learner alike.
50. His life and legend ennobled human nature for generations to come.
51. Their journey ennobled their spirits and renewed their sense of purpose.
52. Philosophy, at its best, seeks to ennoble human nature and uplift the spirit.
53. Honorable service, when done with dignity, ennobles both servant and served.
54. The storm ennobled their spirits and gave them cause to appreciate the beauty of life.
55. Whatever ennobles others ennobles the giver.
56. The quest sought to ennoble human nature by depicting our highest ideals in action.
57. Virtue, when truly ennobled, resides within the spirit rather than without.
58. Great art ennobles human nature and uplifts the spirit.
59. Their long wait ennobled their spirits and filled them with renewed hope.
60. Suffering, when endured with dignity, ennobles the human spirit.
Common Phases
1. His actions
ennobled the cause.
2. Suffering
ennobled her soul.
3. Her selfless sacrifice
ennobled humanity.
4. Hard work will
ennoble your character.
5. Achieving a higher purpose
ennobles the spirit.
6. His words
ennobled the simple truth.
7. The challenging ordeal
ennobled her.
8. Struggle
ennobles the human spirit.
9. She
ennobled the mundane task with grace.
10. Wisdom
ennobles the mind.
11. Duty
ennobled his sacrifice.
12. Good intentions
ennobled his efforts.
13. Defending the weak
ennobled his reputation.
14. Telling the truth
ennobled her conscience.
15. Wealth alone cannot
ennoble one's character.
16. The pursuit of knowledge
ennobles the mind.
17. Nobility of spirit
ennobles one's birth.
18. Virtue
ennobles any rank of life.
19. Honor
ennobled his motives.
20. Education
ennobles the human mind.
21. Generosity
ennobled his humble beginnings.
22. Loyalty
ennobled their cause.
23. Doing the right thing
ennobled her soul.
24. Duty
ennobled his sacrifice for king and country.
25. Hard work and persistence
ennobled his achievements.
26. Love
ennobled their relationship.
27. Adversity
ennobled her moral character.
28. Truth
ennobled her speech.
29. Altruism
ennobled his leadership.
30. Perseverance
ennobled her efforts.
31. Grace
ennobled her behavior.
32. Kindness
ennobled her interactions with others.
33. Commitment
ennobled their relationship.
34. Integrity
ennobled his business practices.
35. Wisdom
ennobled her judgements.
36. Protecting the oppressed
ennobled their cause.
37. Mercy
ennobled justice.
38. Devotion
ennobled his service.
39. Compassion
ennobled her work.
40. Self-sacrifice
ennobled their efforts.
41. Character
ennobled his endeavors.
42. Heroism
ennobled their names.
43. Standing up for what's right
ennobled his reputation.
44. Service
ennobled their lives.
45. Resisting temptation
ennobled his moral fiber.
46. Faithfulness
ennobled her persistence.
47. Patience
ennobled his endurance.
48. Nobility of spirit
ennobled her character.
49. Bravery
ennobled their actions.
50. Prudence
ennobled her choices.
51. Choosing the harder right over the easier wrong
ennobled his actions.
52. Grace under pressure
ennobled her response.
53. Wisdom and knowledge
ennobled his judgement.
54. Duty and honor
ennobled their public service.
55. Justice
ennobled their efforts.
56. Divine love
ennobled her very being.
57. Sacrificial love
ennobled their marriage.
58. Courage
ennobled their stand.
59. Humility
ennobled his greatness.
60. Virtue
ennobled her life.