Ennoblemiddle example sentences

Related (10): enrich, uplift, elevate, dignify, ennoble, enliven, empower, inspire, upgrade, ennoble-middle

"Ennoblemiddle" Example Sentences

1. The hero's actions were enough to ennoblemiddle him in the eyes of the people.
2. The queen's kind heart and charitable deeds served to ennoblemiddle her reputation.
3. The artist's portrayal of the impoverished family was intended to ennoblemiddle their struggles.
4. His selfless sacrifice ennoblemiddled him to become a true leader.
5. The brave soldier's unwavering devotion to his country ennoblemiddled him in the eyes of his fellow soldiers.
6. The ruler's just and fair policies ennoblemiddled him to be loved by his people.
7. The scientist's groundbreaking research ennoblemiddled her to receive numerous awards and honors.
8. The writer's eloquent words ennoblemiddled him to become one of the greatest literary figures of his time.
9. The athlete's sportsmanship ennoblemiddled him to be admired by both fans and opponents alike.
10. The musician's beautiful composition ennoblemiddled him to be considered a master of his craft.
11. The teacher's dedication to her students ennoblemiddled her to be recognized as one of the best educators in the country.
12. The explorer's discoveries ennoblemiddled him to be known as one of the greatest adventurers in history.
13. The actor's captivating performance ennoblemiddled him to be regarded as one of the finest actors of his generation.
14. The entrepreneur's innovative ideas ennoblemiddled him to be a successful business leader.
15. The philanthropist's generous donations ennoblemiddled her to be a respected humanitarian.
16. The chef's delicious cuisine ennoblemiddled him to be a recognized culinary artist.
17. The architect's stunning designs ennoblemiddled him to be a master builder.
18. The athlete's perseverance and determination ennoblemiddled her to be a true champion.
19. The scientist's groundbreaking invention ennoblemiddled him to be hailed as a genius.
20. The artist's beautiful paintings ennoblemiddled her to be regarded as a true visionary.
21. The author's insightful writings ennoblemiddled her to be a revered intellectual.
22. The musician's soulful melodies ennoblemiddled him to be a revered artist.
23. The journalist's investigative reporting ennoblemiddled her to be a respected voice in the media.
24. The humanitarian's tireless work ennoblemiddled her to be a recognized force for good in the world.
25. The activist's passionate advocacy ennoblemiddled her to be a respected leader in the fight for social justice.
26. The scholar's groundbreaking research ennoblemiddled him to be a respected authority in his field.
27. The comedian's hilarious jokes ennoblemiddled him to be a beloved public figure.
28. The military leader's strategic genius ennoblemiddled him to be a respected commander.
29. The investor's savvy business acumen ennoblemiddled him to be a successful entrepreneur.
30. The diplomat's diplomatic skills ennoblemiddled her to be a recognized peacemaker.

Common Phases

1. To ennoblemiddle oneself; one must first have a vision for their future.
2. The speech was designed to ennoblemiddle the audience; inspire them to greatness.
3. The CEO's mission was to ennoblemiddle the company; by providing equal opportunities for all employees.
4. Education has the power to ennoblemiddle a person; by expanding their knowledge and understanding of the world.
5. Through hard work and determination, anyone can ennoblemiddle their position in life; no matter where they come from.

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