Enthralldom example sentences

Related (9): captivity, bondage, servitude, enslavement, subjugation, domination, oppression, subjection, yoke

"Enthralldom" Example Sentences

1. The story's plot was so captivating that it took me into a state of enthralldom.
2. The romantic novel was full of love, passion, and enthralldom.
3. The magic spell brought the prince under the queen's enthralldom.
4. She became a willing captive to the pleasures of enthralldom.
5. The hypnotist put the audience in a state of enthralldom.
6. The history book had many tales of war and enthralldom.
7. The beauty of the painting left an impression of enthralldom on the viewer.
8. The lovely music cast a spell of enthralldom on the audience.
9. The cult leader's charisma held his followers in a state of enthralldom.
10. The thriller movie kept me in a state of enthralldom until the end.
11. The pop star's music had a strong power of enthralldom over her fans.
12. The master storyteller's words put the listeners in a state of enthralldom.
13. The fairytale's happy ending left everyone in a state of enthralldom.
14. The puppet show induced a state of enthralldom in the children.
15. The circus performance had an air of enthralldom throughout.
16. The novel's plot of intrigue and mystery had an air of enthralldom.
17. The beauty of the natural scenery induced a state of enthralldom in the hikers.
18. The science fiction movie put the audience in a state of enthralldom with its imaginative plot.
19. The ballet had a strong power of enthralldom over the viewers.
20. The opera singer's voice had a strong power of enthralldom over the audience.
21. The ancient myths and legends had tales of enthralldom.
22. The escape room adventure held the group in a state of enthralldom.
23. The romantic comedy movie had a power of enthralldom over the viewers with its humor.
24. The horror movie had the power of enthralldom over those who love to be scared.
25. The musical had a strong power of enthralldom over the audience with its catchy tunes.
26. The crime novel had a power of enthralldom over the readers with its twisted plot.
27. The motivational speaker held the audience in a state of enthralldom with his inspirational words.
28. The exhibition on ancient civilizations had a power of enthralldom over the visitors.
29. The fantasy novel had a strong power of enthralldom over the readers with its magical world.
30. The stand-up comedian held the audience in a state of enthralldom with his witty jokes.

Common Phases

1. The princess fell into the enthralldom of the evil sorcerer;
2. The audience was under the enthralldom of the performer's mesmerizing voice;
3. He was unable to break free from the enthralldom of addiction;
4. The country was under the enthralldom of a charismatic dictator;
5. She was completely lost in the enthralldom of the romance novel.

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