Envelop example sentences

Related (10): wrap, enclose, surround, cover, ensconce, shroud, cloak, veil, swathe, sheathe

"Envelop" Example Sentences

1. I sealed the letter and put it in an envelop.
2. Can you please envelop the fragile item in bubble wrap before sending it?
3. The darkness seemed to envelop the entire forest.
4. She felt a sense of comfort and security when her mother would envelop her in a hug.
5. The new company policy seems to envelop all teams equally.
6. The aroma of freshly baked cookies began to envelop the kitchen.
7. The thick fog began to envelop the city skyline.
8. It’s important to envelop the herbs in a cheesecloth before adding them to the soup.
9. The heat wave was so intense it felt like it was enveloping me in a warm blanket.
10. The mother bird was seen to carefully envelop her young baby birds with her wings.
11. The magician’s cloak appeared to envelop him and make him disappear from sight.
12. The atmosphere of the concert enveloped the crowd, creating a surreal experience.
13. The smoke started to envelop the room, making it hard to breathe.
14. The idea seemed to envelop her mind and she couldn’t let it go.
15. He was so happy to finally envelop his grandson in a warm embrace.
16. The darkness that enveloped the room made it hard to see anything.
17. Do you prefer to envelop your gifts for Christmas or wrap them in paper?
18. The music enveloped her soul, bringing her to tears.
19. The scent of the flowers began to envelop the garden.
20. The snake seemed to envelop its prey before swallowing it whole.
21. The feeling of nostalgia would envelop her every time she returned to her childhood home.
22. The mist began to envelop the valley, creating a mysterious and eerie atmosphere.
23. The vines seemed to envelop the entire house, creating a beautiful and natural entrance.
24. The warm breeze would envelop them as they walked along the beach, creating a feeling of freedom.
25. As soon as she opened the door, she was enveloped by the delicious smell of home cooking.
26. The rain began to envelop the city, bringing a sense of calm with it.
27. The memories of her past would envelop her, bringing back both happy and sad times.
28. The sense of pride would envelop her every time she watched her children succeed.
29. The darkness seemed to envelop her thoughts, making it hard to focus on anything else.
30. The thick blanket seemed to envelop her, keeping her warm on the cold winter night.

Common Phases

1. Seal the payment in an envelop;
2. I need an envelop to mail this document;
3. The fragrance of the flowers enveloped the room;
4. The fog enveloped the entire town;
5. The darkness enveloped me like a cloak.

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