Environ example sentences

Related (4): environment, environmental, environmentalist, environmentalism

"Environ" Example Sentences

1. The temperature is expected to be around 25 degrees Celsius, give or take a few degrees in either direction depending on the environ.
2. My father always taught me to respect the environ and to try my best to conserve natural resources where possible.
3. The environ in this part of the country is incredibly diverse, with everything from mountains to forests to deserts represented in the landscape.
4. The company's new sustainability initiative is focused on reducing the environmental impact of their products on the environ.
5. The air quality in this part of the city is notoriously poor, but there are efforts underway to improve the environ for residents.
6. The government has launched an investigation into the effects of industrial pollution on the environ, citing concerns about environmental degradation.
7. The environ here is perfect for growing grapes, which is why this region is known for its high-quality wines.
8. As a nature lover, I always try to do my part to protect the environ and to leave a smaller footprint on the earth.
9. The environ we create for ourselves can have a profound impact on our overall wellbeing, including our physical and mental health.
10. Scientists are closely monitoring the state of the Arctic environ, which is rapidly changing due to climate change.
11. The new housing development is being designed to blend in seamlessly with the natural environ and to incorporate sustainable design features.
12. Some animals are better adapted to certain types of environ than others, which is why you'll find different species in different parts of the world.
13. The environ in this area is prone to extreme weather events, including hurricanes and tornadoes, which can cause significant damage and loss of life.
14. We need to be mindful of the environ when making decisions about how to use land and resources in order to sustain our planet for future generations.
15. The local council is working to create more green spaces in the city in order to improve the overall quality of the environ for residents.
16. The environ in this part of the world can be harsh, with strong winds, limited rainfall, and extreme temperatures making it difficult for plants and animals to survive.
17. The government's plan to build a new industrial park has raised concerns about its potential impact on the nearby environ and the health of residents.
18. The environ for startups in this city is incredibly supportive, with plenty of resources and a strong network of mentors and investors.
19. Environmental NGOs play an important role in advocating for policies and practices that protect the environ and promote sustainability.
20. The environ in which we grow up can have a lasting impact on our worldview and our attitudes towards the natural world.
21. The region's rich cultural history is deeply intertwined with its unique environ, with many traditional crafts and practices passed down through generations.
22. Climate scientists have warned that failure to take action to address the effects of climate change on the environ could have catastrophic consequences for the planet.
23. The environ for musicians in this city is incredibly vibrant, with a thriving music scene and plenty of opportunities for collaboration and performance.
24. Responsible tourism seeks to limit the negative impact of travel on the environ and to support sustainable development in local communities.
25. The environ for entrepreneurs in this country is challenging, but the rewards for those who succeed can be substantial.
26. Many companies are now recognizing the importance of reducing their carbon footprint and taking steps to minimize their impact on the environ.
27. The natural environ has been a source of inspiration for artists and writers throughout history, with many famous works inspired by the beauty of nature.
28. Ecological restoration projects aim to repair damage to the environ caused by human activity, such as deforestation and pollution.
29. Research into how different factors, such as climate change, affect the environ can provide valuable insights into how we can protect our planet for future generations.
30. The environ for athletes in this city is incredibly supportive, with high-quality training facilities and a strong community of fellow athletes.

Common Phases

1. The environ of the rainforest is crucial to the survival of its inhabitants;
2. Our company is committed to reducing its impact on the environ;
3. The hotel is nestled in a picturesque environ near the mountains;
4. The environ around the landfill site is heavily polluted;
5. The local authorities are taking measures to protect the environ from industrial pollution;
6. We should all make an effort to live sustainably and preserve the environ for future generations.

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