Equipollences example sentences

Related (6): equality, equivalence, parallelism, similarity, sameness, correspondence

"Equipollences" Example Sentences

1. The equipollences in this equation are making it difficult to find a solution.
2. The two arguments presented had equipollences, making it difficult to determine the stronger case.
3. The judge could not make a decision because both sides displayed equipollences.
4. The debate was prolonged due to equipollences in the arguments presented by both parties.
5. The team's previous victories and losses displayed equipollences in their performance.
6. The differences in their opinions were equipollences that neither side could overcome.
7. The defendant's alibi and the witness testimony presented equipollences in the case.
8. The historical records showed equipollences in the evidence presented by both researchers.
9. The scale of justice was equally balanced by the equipollences presented in the case.
10. The similarities between the two theories presented equipollences which made it difficult to choose the correct one.
11. The sports team's records showed equipollences in wins and losses throughout the season.
12. The survey results showed statistical equipollences between the two products.
13. The scientific findings presented equipollences that challenged previously held beliefs.
14. The data collected from the study displayed equipollences that needed further analysis.
15. The two candidates showed equipollences in their qualifications for thjob.
16. The contract negotiations reached a deadlock due to the equipollences in the proposed terms.
17. The analysis of financial reports highlighted equipollences that led to further investigation.
18. The evidence presented in court showed equipollences causing the jury to deliberate longer.
19. The mountain climbers encountered equipollences in their selection of the best route to reach the summit.
20. The essay presented equipollences between the two cultural movements discussed.
21. The analysis of the two paintings showed equipollences in their artistic techniques.
22. The data collected from the study revealed equipollences in the mental health of the study participants.
23. The presentations made by the two companies showed equipollences in their proposed marketing strategies.
24. The similarities in the design of the two products showed equipollences.
25. The differences in the approaches taken by the two authors showed equipollences in the validity of their arguments.
26. The research findings revealed equipollences in the effectiveness of the two treatment methods.
27. The analysis of the two financial plans showed equipollences in their potential profits and risks.
28. The opposing arguments presented equipollences in their reasoning and evidence.
29. The two political parties presented equipollences in their campaign promises.
30. The two job applicants showed equipollences in their qualifications and experience.

Common Phases

the following:
1. Two ideas are equipollent if they have equal value;
2. The concept of equipollences is important in logic;
3. We can use equipollences to establish correlations between different ideas;
4. Equipollences can also help us identify logical fallacies;
5. In mathematics, equipollence can refer to sets with the same cardinality;
6. The principle of equipollence can be applied to ethical theories to compare their validity;
7. Equipollence is a powerful tool in argumentation and debate;
8. By understanding equipollences, we can better evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different arguments;
9. The use of equipollences can help us better understand the nature of truth and knowledge;
10. Some philosophers argue that all ideas are ultimately equipollent.

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