Erected example sentences

Related (12): built, constructed, raised, assembled, installed, positioned, established, founded, initiated, inaugurated, launched, started



erected (past tense) · erected (past participle)

  - construct (a building, wall, or other upright structure):

  - create or establish (a theory or system):


build, construct, assemble, fabricate, form, manufacture, pitch, position, place, locate, demolish, dismantle, establish, form, found, institute, initiate, formulate, devise, create, organize, frame, here

"Erected" Example Sentences

1. The builders erected the scaffolding around the building.
2. The monument was erected in memory of the fallen soldiers.
3. The statue was erected in the town square.
4. Construction workers erected the steel framework for the new tower.
5. The tent was quickly erected for the outdoor event.
6. The barricades were erected to block traffic.
7. The tent poles were erected and the canvas stretched over them.
8. Fences were erected around the construction site.
9. The flagpole was erected outside the town hall.
10. The arch was erected at the entrance to the palace.
11. The playground equipment was erected by volunteers over the weekend.
12. The signs were erected warning drivers of hazards ahead.
13. They erected a large steel cross on the hill overlooking the town.
14. The timber frame was erected before the rest of the house was built.
15. The tripods were erected to support the camera equipment.
16. The tribe erected an effigy of their chief upon his death.
17. A wall was erected around the perimeter of the estate.
18. Towers were erected at regular intervals along the ramparts.
19. The company erected billboards advertising its products.
20. The framework was erected and cranes lifted sections of the building into place.
21. The walls were erected quickly using prefabricated concrete panels.
22. The lightning rod was erected atop the tall chimney.
23. A barrier was erected to keep protesters off the government property.
24. The dome of the Pantheon was erected without the use of concrete.
25. A booth was erected for ticket sales at the fairgrounds.
26. The shed was quickly erected to provide shelter for the livestock.
27. A stage was erected in the town square for the outdoor concert.
28. Speed bumps were erected on the residential street.
29. The marquee was erected outside the theater entrance.
30. They erected an outhouse for use at the campsite.
31. Portable stalls were erected for the farmers market.
32. The TV antenna was erected on the roof.
33. A teepee was erected for the kids to play in.
34. The circus tent was erected in a matter of hours.
35. Wooden posts were erected to hold the clothesline taut.
36. The garage was erected first, before the rest of the house was built.
37. Goal posts were erected on the football field.
38. A pagoda was erected in the Japanese garden.
39. The bird feeder was erected in the tree outside her window.
40. The warehouse was erected using prefabricated concrete panels.
41. Stanchions were erected to guide the line of customers.
42. Temporary supports were erected to hold up the damaged beam.
43. A brick chimney was erected for the wood-burning stove.
44. Scaffolding was erected around the facade of the old building.
45. Poles were erected to string lights for the festival.
46. An obelisk was erected in honor of the ancient pharaoh.
47. The pop-up canopy was quickly erected for the baby shower in the backyard.
48. The video cameras were erected at strategic points around the stadium.
49. A yurt was erected in the campground for use during inclement weather.
50. A new shed was erected next to the garden.
51. The field hospital was quickly erected to treat the influx of casualties.
52. The bell tower was erected next to the church.
53. Signs were erected at the entrance to the restricted area.
54. Wooden ribs were erected to form the structure of the boat.
55. The hunters erected a blind in the woods facing the field.
56. Hay bales were erected to form shooting targets.
57. The tower was erected in sections and the stone blocks fitted together.
58. The cabin was quickly erected using a prefabricated kit.
59. The architect designed a new monument to be erected in the town square.
60. The sacred altar was erected within the shrine.

Common Phases

1. The builders erected the wall in a single day.
2. The ancient Egyptians erected pyramids as tombs for their pharaohs.
3. The Empire State Building was erected during the Great Depression.
4. The Statue of Liberty was erected in 1886.
5. The Washington Monument was erected to honor the first president of the United States.
6. The Eiffel Tower was erected for the 1889 World's Fair in Paris.
7. Stonehenge was erected thousands of years ago.
8. The ancient Greeks erected huge marble columns on hilltops.
9. The Roman Colosseum was erected nearly 2000 years ago.
10. Yosemite's granite cliffs were erected by massive earth movements.
11. The circus workers erected the big tent in just a few hours.
12. The protesters erected barricades to block access to the road.
13. They erected a wooden fence around the property to keep out trespassers.
14. The residents erected solar panels on their rooftops.
15. The flagpole was erected in honor of veterans.
16. The solar farm was erected on hundreds of acres of unused land.
17. The workers erected the steel frame of the new skyscraper in record time.
18. The memorial was erected to remember those who lost their lives.
19. The pioneers erected log cabins to shelter themselves from the elements.
20. Fences were erected to keep wildlife away from crops.
21. The bleachers were erected for the annual sporting event.
22. The temporary stage was erected in the park for the concert.
23. Scaffolding was erected around the old building during renovation.
24. Timber frames were erected first to support the stone walls.
25. The miners erected temporary shelters deep within the cave.
26. A tent city was erected to house survivors of the earthquake.
27. A pole was erected in the middle of the town square for decoration.
28. Tripods were erected to hold lanterns during the outdoor event.
29. The foundations were erected on bedrock to support the tall building.
30. During construction, protective fences were erected around excavations.
31. The pioneers erected log cabins using a system of notches and joints.
32. Power lines were erected to provide electricity to remote villages.
33. A network of metal towers was erected to carry the electric cables.
34. Prefabricated structures were erected rapidly using modular designs.
35. The new church was finally erected after years of fundraising.
36. Mailbox pillars were erected by individual homeowners for their property.
37. A grand arch was erected to commemorate the coronation.
38. A tombstone was erected in memory of the deceased.
39. The military erected guard towers around the perimeter.
40. Prison cells were erected deep within the belly of the jail.
41. The engineer erected a small scale model of the new proposed bridge.
42. The scaffolding was erected so workers could reach the upper levels.
43. Tripods were erected for climbers at the base of the rock face.
44. Temporary shelters were erected for survivors of the hurricane.
45. The surveyors erected markers to delineate the property boundaries.
46. Overhead wires were erected to deliver power to remote homes.
47. Transmission towers were erected to carry power cables over long distances.
48. Windows were erected into the brick walls after construction.
49. The children erected a cubby house using cardboard boxes and tape.
50. An archway was erected over the entrance to the ceremonial grounds.
51. The poles were erected to serve as support for the hammocks.
52. The security guard erected barriers around the crime scene.
53. An oft-vandalized statue was finally erected on an unreachable plinth.
54. Gallows were erected outside the prison for public executions.
55. Wooden planks were erected as boarding to cover the hole in the floor.
56. The memorial cross was erected at the site of the tragic accident.
57. Beach umbrellas were erected in the sand to provide shade.
58. An UN flag was erected outside the headquarters building.
59. A makeshift stage was erected in the park for live music.
60. The scaffolding was erected around the entire building during renovation.

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