Etymologyorigin example sentences
"Etymologyorigin" Example Sentences
1. Etymologyorigin of the word "influence" is from the Latin influentia, meaning "a flowing in".2. The etymologyorigin of the word "antique" is from the Latin antiquus, meaning "old".
3. The etymologyorigin of the word "fascinate" is from the Latin fascinatus, meaning "to enchant".
4. Etymologyorigin of the word "frenzy" is from the Latin frenum, meaning "a bridle".
5. The etymologyorigin of the word "bizarre" is from the French bizarres, meaning "odd or strange".
6. Etymologyorigin of the word "magnify" is from the Latin magnificare, meaning "to make great".
7. The etymologyorigin of the word "compassion" is from the Latin compassio, meaning "to feel with".
8. Etymologyorigin of the word "frenetic" is from the Latin freneticus, meaning "wildly excited".
9. The etymologyorigin of the word "dismay" is from the Old French desmaier, meaning "to be discouraged".
10. Etymologyorigin of the word "fascism" is from the Italian fascismo, meaning "authoritarian government".
11. The etymologyorigin of the word "myriad" is from the Greek myrias, meaning "ten thousand".
12. Etymologyorigin of the word "magnitude" is from the Latin magnitudo, meaning "greatness".
13. The etymologyorigin of the word "dilemma" is from the Greek dilemmata, meaning "a choice between two options".
14. Etymologyorigin of the word "exalt" is from the Latin exaltare, meaning "to raise up".
15. The etymologyorigin of the word "dilettante" is from the Italian dilettare, meaning "to delight".
16. Etymologyorigin of the word "enigma" is from the Greek ainigma, meaning "a riddle".
17. The etymologyorigin of the word "exasperate" is from the Latin exasperare, meaning "to irritate".
18. Etymologyorigin of the word "meticulous" is from the Latin meticulosus, meaning "careful and exact".
19. The etymologyorigin of the word "dynamic" is from the Greek dynamikos, meaning "powerful".
20. Etymologyorigin of the word "irony" is from the Greek eironeia, meaning "to feign ignorance".