"Evangelism" Example Sentences
1. The evangelism program was aimed at reaching the unchurched in the community.
2. He felt called to Christian evangelism and preaching.
3. The mission's focus shifted from medical care to evangelism.
4. Her passion for evangelism drove her to travel around the world.
5. Christian evangelism is preaching or proclaiming the gospel.
6. He wrote numerous pamphlets promoting Christian evangelism.
7. Aggressive evangelism can often drive people away instead of bringing them closer.
8. Loud street preaching is not always the most effective form of evangelism.
9. Effective evangelism begins with building relationships and showing love.
10. She believes Christian evangelism should focus on serving others' needs first.
11. Mass evangelism events are difficult to sustain over the long term.
12. They wanted their evangelism efforts to result in genuine disciples, not just decisions.
13. The evangelism movement was meant to spread the good news of the gospel.
14. Evangelism through media and technology is an increasingly important method.
15. He studied evangelism and apologetics in seminary.
16. Their church has an active evangelism committee.
17. She leads evangelism training sessions for new believers.
18. Their focus was grassroots evangelism, going from door to door.
19. They believed that love is the most powerful form of evangelism.
20. Their primary role was foreign evangelism and missionary work.
21. They vowed to dedicate their lives to evangelism and church planting.
22. Evangelical charismatic movements typically emphasize evangelism.
23. Youth evangelism programs aim to reach teenagers with the gospel.
24. They pioneered new methods of evangelism using social media and technology.
25. Her writing focused on innovative approaches to Christian evangelism.
26. He challenged the church to rethink its traditional approaches to evangelism.
27. She taught that lifestyle evangelism is more impactful than just words.
28. They believed the goal of evangelism was making disciples, not just decisions.
29. Relational evangelism involves building genuine friendships to share the gospel.
30. Their evangelism conference focused on reaching the next generation.
31. Global evangelism requires adapting methods to different cultures.
32. Evangelism often happens best through existing relationships and networks.
33. Lifestyle evangelism means consistently living out your faith before others.
34. Evangelism efforts must be followed up with discipleship.
35. Their new book urges a return to authentic, humble evangelism.
36. Evangelism through service projects can be an effective outreach method.
37. They started an evangelism ministry for international students.
38. Contextualized evangelism tailors the message for a specific audience.
39. His evangelism classes focused on developing conversational skills.
40. They warned against strategies that rely solely on emotional appeals.
41. Apologetic evangelism uses reason and evidence alongside proclamation.
42. Their church's evangelism strategy targets young families in the community.
43. She advocates for a "bottom up" approach to evangelism led by local churches.
44. Evangelism requires sensitivity, humility, and patience.
45. They promoted the gospel through social justice efforts and evangelism.
46. Compassionate evangelism starts by meeting people's felt needs.
47. Evangelistic preaching aims to bring nonbelievers to faith in Christ.
48. He called Christians to a lifestyle of constant, organic evangelism.
49. Their missionary work focused on evangelism, church planting and discipleship.
50. Evangelism training equipped them for sharing their testimonies.
51. They employed innovative new methods for online and social media evangelism.
52. Urban evangelism requires creative context-specific strategies.
53. Evangelism suffers when it relies solely on canned presentations.
54. Evangelism must be accompanied by spiritual formation within the church.
55. Small group evangelism provides an intimate setting for sharing the gospel.
56. They advocated for a "whole gospel" approach that integrates evangelism, compassion, justice and discipleship.
57. Cultural evangelism requires contextualizing the message without compromising the truth.
58. Church leaders must create a vision and culture that values and prioritizes evangelism.
59. He implemented new strategies to expand the church's evangelism outreach.
60. Evangelism done in love and humility honors Christ and inspires faith.
Common Phases
1. Spread the gospel of Jesus Christ
2. Share the good news of Jesus
3. Make disciples of all nations
4. Proclaim the word of God
5. Preach the kingdom of heaven
6. Preach the gospel to every creature
7. Ministry of reconciliation
8. Ministry of the word
9. Reach the lost for Christ
10. Bring people to salvation through Christ
11. A call to
12. Felt need
13. Relational
14. Lifestyle
Evangelism through service
16. Compassion
17. Contextualized
18. Online
19. Global
20. Urban
21. Grassroots
22. Mass
23. Apologetic
24. Strategic
25. Training for
26. Follow up after
27. A passion for
28. Prioritize
evangelism in the church
29. Create a culture of
30. Equip believers for