Exaggeration example sentences

Related (10): hyperbole, overstatement, embellishment, magnification, amplification, inflation, aggrandizement, elaboration, dramatization, hype

"Exaggeration" Example Sentences

1. His story was full of exaggeration and half-truths.
2. Her complaints about the food were an exaggeration, it wasn't that bad.
3. The politician's claims were an obvious exaggeration to gain votes.
4. I could sense an exaggeration in his tone as he recounted the events of the day.
5. The actor's performance was criticized for its over-the-top exaggeration.
6. She tends to use exaggeration in her storytelling to make it more interesting.
7. The painter's use of bold colors was criticized for its exaggeration.
8. He was accused of exaggeration by his colleagues for making grandiose claims.
9. The exaggeration in her makeup made her look like a clown.
10. The movie was criticized for its use of exaggeration to create drama.
11. He denied any exaggeration in his account of the events.
12. The journalist was accused of exaggeration in his article to create sensationalism.
13. She used exaggeration in her speech to emphasize her point.
14. The graphic novel used exaggeration to create an otherworldly atmosphere.
15. His exaggeration of his accomplishments was seen as arrogance by his coworkers.
16. The comedian's use of exaggeration in his jokes made the audience laugh.
17. The author's use of exaggeration in her novel was seen as a stylistic choice.
18. The advertisement used exaggeration to make its product seem better than it actually was.
19. The weightlifter's claims of his strength were seen as an exaggeration by his competitors.
20. She admitted to using exaggeration in her resume to make herself seem more qualified.
21. The magician's use of exaggeration heightened the illusion of his magic tricks.
22. The coach's exaggeration of the team's success was seen as a tactic to boost morale.
23. The use of exaggeration is a common trope in satire.
24. He laughed at the obvious exaggeration in her joke.
25. The artist's exaggeration of the human form was seen as a commentary on society's unrealistic beauty standards.
26. The critic accused the author of relying too heavily on exaggeration in his writing.
27. The journalist's exaggeration of the facts was seen as unethical.
28. The exaggeration of his muscles in the cartoon made him look like a superhero.
29. She denied any exaggeration in her claims of seeing a ghost.
30. The coach's exaggeration of the importance of the game was seen as a tactic to motivate the players.

Common Phases

1. It's hotter than the sun out here; I'm melting!
2. I've been waiting for ages; my toes have turned to ice!
3. That test was impossible; I'm sure only a genius could have passed it.
4. This suitcase weighs a ton; I don't know if I can carry it much further.
5. I've told you a million times; why can't you remember?
6. They're the loudest neighbors ever; I feel like they're having a party every night!
7. That movie was so funny; I was laughing until my sides hurt.
8. I need a vacation desperately; I feel like I've been working for weeks without a break.
9. My stomach is so full; I don't think I could eat another bite.
10. That sunset was absolutely breathtaking; I've never seen anything like it.

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