Exculpations example sentences

Related (17): forgiveness, pardon, absolution, exoneration, dispensation, justification, immunity, vindication, clearance, acquittal, liberation, release, amnesty, remission, exemption, discharge, indemnification.

"Exculpations" Example Sentences

1. The prosecutor was skeptical of the defendant's exculpations in court.
2. His repeated exculpations only served to raise further suspicions about his involvement in the crime.
3. The defense team presented a series of compelling exculpations to the jury.
4. Despite his exculpations, he was unable to convince anyone of his innocence.
5. The judge dismissed the case due to the lack of concrete exculpations.
6. She provided several exculpations for her absence from the party.
7. His lawyer advised him to offer exculpations for his actions.
8. The witness's exculpations helped to establish a timeline of events.
9. The defendant's exculpations were inconsistent and difficult to believe.
10. The police investigation uncovered several exculpations that led to the real culprit.
11. She pleaded with the judge to listen to her exculpations, insisting that she was innocent.
12. The prosecutor was able to dismantle all of the defendant's exculpations on cross-examination.
13. The jury was swayed by the defendant's emotional exculpations and found him not guilty.
14. The detective's exculpations turned out to be critical evidence in cracking the case.
15. The CEO's exculpations were met with disbelief and skepticism from the board of directors.
16. The defendant's exculpations were rendered moot when DNA evidence linked him to the crime.
17. The victim's exculpations were considered inadmissible in court due to lack of corroborating evidence.
18. The defense team used the defendant's exculpations to build a shadow of doubt.
19. The prosecutor was able to expose the defendant's exculpations as lies.
20. The witness's exculpations provided the police with a valuable lead in the investigation.
21. The defendant's exculpations failed to hold up under scrutiny during the trial.
22. She was forced to admit that her exculpations were fabricated in an attempt to avoid blame.
23. The defendant's exculpations were an attempt to pin the crime on his accomplice.
24. Her exculpations were well-rehearsed and carefully crafted to evoke sympathy.
25. The defendant's exculpations were seen as an attempt to manipulate the jury.
26. The lawyer's cross-examination effectively dismantled the witness's exculpations.
27. The prosecutor used the defendant's previous convictions to undermine his exculpations.
28. The defendant's exculpations only served to incriminate him further in the eyes of the jury.
29. Her exculpations were met with disbelief and scorn by the victim's family.
30. The defendant's exculpations proved to be his downfall, as they only made him look more guilty.

Common Phases

1. I have no exculpations for my behavior; I know I was wrong.
2. His exculpations were unconvincing; we all saw what he did.
3. Stop making exculpations and take responsibility for your actions; that's the only way to move forward.
4. I don't want to hear your exculpations; I just want you to make it right.
5. She presented a number of exculpations for her absence; however, none of them seemed plausible.
6. His exculpations were getting tiresome; it was clear he was just making excuses.
7. I was hoping for some exculpations; instead, all I got was more lies.
8. He kept offering exculpations for his mistakes; but it was clear he wasn't learning from them.

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