Exegeted example sentences

Related (10): interpreted, explained, analyzed, explicated, deciphered, untangled, unraveled, decoded, unfolded, elucidated

"Exegeted" Example Sentences

1. Theologians often exegete biblical passages to uncover their true meaning.
2. She spent hours exegeting the difficult poem, finally coming to a deeper understanding of its message.
3. The professor asked the students to exegete a passage from the Greek New Testament.
4. He was able to exegete the obscure text because of his knowledge of ancient languages.
5. The author's essay carefully exegetes the cultural context in which the story takes place.
6. The critic's analysis exegeted the themes and motifs of the film with precision.
7. I struggled to exegete the complex philosophical ideas in the text, but eventually found clarity.
8. Scholars have exegeted the Quran for centuries, attempting to understand its teachings.
9. The priest exegeted the Gospel reading during the Sunday service.
10. The rabbi exegeted the Torah portion, drawing connections to modern-day issues.
11. The historian exegeted the primary sources, revealing new insights into the event under study.
12. The literary critic exegeted the novel, revealing its hidden meanings and symbols.
13. The preacher exegeted the Bible verse, helping his congregation understand its relevance and application.
14. The linguist exegeted the ancient text, discovering new insights into the language and culture of the time.
15. The commentator exegeted the political speech, evaluating its rhetorical devices and argumentation.
16. The seminary students were asked to exegete a passage from the historic creeds of the church.
17. The philosopher exegeted the difficult text, teasing out its underlying assumptions and arguments.
18. The art historian exegeted the painting, discussing its use of color and composition.
19. The literary scholar exegeted the poem, analyzing its structure and form.
20. The archaeologist exegeted the ancient ruins, uncovering details about the civilization that built them.
21. The musicologist exegeted the composer's score, dissecting its melodies and harmonies.
22. The sociologist exegeted the cultural phenomenon, exploring its origins and impact.
23. The theologian exegeted the doctrine, explaining its theological significance and implications.
24. The linguist exegeted the pidgin language, revealing its unique grammar and vocabulary.
25. The psychologist exegeted the dream, interpreting its symbols and themes.
26. The political scientist exegeted the policy document, evaluating its feasibility and effectiveness.
27. The mathematician exegeted the proof, explaining its logical steps and implications.
28. The physicist exegeted the scientific paper, scrutinizing its experimental methods and results.
29. The biologist exegeted the DNA sequence, discovering new insights into the genetic code.
30. The chemist exegeted the chemical reaction, analyzing its products and properties.

Common Phases

1. The biblical text was exegeted by the scholars in great detail; they looked into the historical, cultural, and linguistic background of the passage.
2. The preacher exegeted the Gospel of John, emphasizing its main themes of love, faith, and salvation.
3. The commentary exegeted the epistle of James, providing insights into its authorship, purpose, and structure.
4. The lecturer exegeted the Old Testament prophetic literature, highlighting its relevance and importance for contemporary readers.
5. The theologian exegeted the doctrine of God, exploring its biblical foundations, philosophical implications, and practical applications.

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