Exigentia example sentences

Related (7): demand, necessity, urgency, requirement, obligation, pressure, insistence.

"Exigentia" Example Sentences

1. The exigentia of the situation dictated that immediate action be taken.
2. Our company's financial exigentia requires us to cut costs.
3. The exigentia of the project meant that we had to work long hours to meet the deadline.
4. The exigentia of the mission demands that every team member perform at their best.
5. The exigentia of the legal case requires us to gather as much evidence as possible.
6. We cannot ignore the exigentia of climate change and its impact on our environment.
7. The exigentia of the economic crisis led to widespread unemployment.
8. The exigentia of the pandemic forced us to adapt to remote work.
9. The exigentia of the emergency situation required quick decision-making.
10. The exigentia of the medical emergency was apparent from the patient's symptoms.
11. The exigentia of the political climate necessitated protests and demonstrations.
12. The exigentia of the natural disaster called for immediate relief efforts.
13. The exigentia of the security situation meant that extra precautions had to be taken.
14. The exigentia of the military operation required a coordinated effort.
15. The exigentia of the humanitarian crisis was felt by the people affected by it.
16. The exigentia of the educational system called for changes to improve outcomes.
17. The exigentia of the healthcare system required upgrades and innovations.
18. The exigentia of the technological age means we need to keep up with new advancements.
19. The exigentia of the market competition demands that we stay ahead of our rivals.
20. The exigentia of the social media landscape requires careful curation of our online presence.
21. The exigentia of the legal system demands fairness and justice for all.
22. The exigentia of the global economy means we must consider the impact of our actions.
23. The exigentia of the environmental crisis requires urgent action to preserve biodiversity.
24. The exigentia of the educational curriculum must reflect the needs of the workforce.
25. The exigentia of the fashion industry demands constant creativity and innovation.
26. The exigentia of the entertainment industry necessitates appealing to diverse audiences.
27. The exigentia of the hospitality industry requires exceptional customer service.
28. The exigentia of the healthcare workers during the pandemic was enormous.
29. The exigentia of the transportation industry calls for efficient and sustainable methods.
30. The exigentia of the technological revolution requires constant adaptation and learning.

Common Phases

1. The exigentia of the situation demanded immediate action; there was simply no time to waste.
2. The exigentia of the project required a team effort; everyone had to pull their weight in order to succeed.
3. The exigentia of the task was daunting; it seemed almost impossible to complete in the given timeframe.
4. The exigentia of the emergency forced us to think on our feet; we had to improvise in order to save lives.
5. The exigentia of the deadline caused us to work around the clock; we knew we couldn't miss it by even a minute.

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