Exoticamodern example sentences

Related (2): exotic, modern

"Exoticamodern" Example Sentences

1. The hotel was decorated in an exoticamodern style, with bold colors and unique accents.
2. Her wardrobe was full of exoticamodern pieces, like bright patterned maxi dresses and chunky statement earrings.
3. The restaurant's menu featured a fusion of exotic and modern cuisine, perfectly encapsulating the term “exoticamodern”.
4. The music at the club was a mix of traditional tribal beats and electronic synthesizers, creating an exoticamodern sound.
5. The art exhibit showcased paintings and sculptures that blended Eastern and Western traditions, forming an exoticamodern sensibility.
6. Her apartment was a mix of vintage and contemporary elements, giving it an exoticamodern vibe.
7. The perfume had a unique scent that combined floral and spicy notes, resulting in an exoticamodern fragrance.
8. The fashion designer's latest collection was inspired by African tribal patterns, giving it an exoticamodern feel.
9. The parties hosted by the eccentric billionaire were always exoticamodern affairs, featuring exotic foods and modern entertainment.
10. The hotel lobby featured a stunning piece of exoticamodern art, a giant statue made of mirror polished metal and natural stone.
11. The city's skyline was an exoticamodern blend of sleek glass towers and ornate temples.
12. The yoga instructor's class was a fusion of traditional poses and modern movements, resulting in an exoticamodern workout.
13. The jewelry from the artisan's shop had a unique style, combining organic materials and modern designs to create an exoticamodern look.
14. The architecture of the museum was a blend of ancient Eastern influences and contemporary Western techniques, forming an exoticamodern aesthetic.
15. The wedding reception was decorated in an exoticamodern theme, with vibrant colors and bold centerpieces.
16. The beauty salon's signature treatment was an exoticamodern facial, using natural ingredients and high-tech tools for a unique result.
17. The clothing store's window display featured a mannequin adorned in an exoticamodern outfit, complete with tassels and metallic accents.
18. The exoticamodern sculpture in the park was a mesmerizing tribute to nature, blending abstract shapes with realistic textures.
19. The chef's international menu showcased a variety of exoticamodern dishes, ranging from spicy curries to fusion sushi rolls.
20. The fashion magazine's latest issue featured a photoshoot in an exoticamodern location, with models wearing bold prints and statement jewelry.
21. The DJ's music was a blend of classic folk tunes and cutting-edge electronic beats, forming an exoticamodern sound that got everyone dancing.
22. The designer's furniture collection was a unique blend of natural materials and sleek metal accents, resulting in an exoticamodern look.
23. The futuristic car had an exoticamodern design, with a sleek body and angular lines.
24. The themed party was an exoticamodern twist on a classic masquerade ball, with guests wearing colorful masks and extravagant costumes.
25. The exoticamodern artwork hanging in the gallery was a mesmerizing mix of vibrant colors and bold shapes.
26. The exoticamodern garden featured an array of unique plants, like cacti and succulents from around the world.
27. The boutique hotel had an exoticamodern ambiance, with a mix of vintage furnishings and contemporary art pieces.
28. The jewelry designer's work was a fusion of natural elements and modern metals, creating an exoticamodern aesthetic that was both elegant and bold.
29. The interior designer created an exoticamodern living room, with a mix of bright patterns and clean lines for a unique look.
30. The restaurant's signature dish was an exoticamodern take on traditional seafood, combining fresh ingredients with modern cooking techniques.
31. The exoticamodern dance performance was a mesmerizing blend of traditional and modern choreography, featuring vibrant costumes and high-energy music.
32. The celebrity's wardrobe was full of exoticamodern pieces, like animal prints and bold statement jewelry.
33. The art gallery's latest exhibit showcased a range of exoticamodern artwork, from abstract paintings to intricate sculptures.
34. The fashion designer's runway show featured a mix of exotic prints and futuristic metallics, creating an exoticamodern vibe that was both daring and chic.
35. The cocktail bar's menu featured a variety of exoticamodern drinks, like spicy margaritas and fruit-infused martinis.
36. The exoticamodern lighting fixtures in the restaurant provided a warm glow while adding a touch of edgy design.
37. The tattoo parlor specialized in exoticamodern ink, with bold designs and unique color combinations.
38. The hotel's spa featured a range of exoticamodern treatments, like hot stone massages and African mud wraps.
39. The clothing line's latest collection featured a mix of traditional cultural elements and modern silhouettes, creating an exoticamodern fusion of style.
40. The exoticamodern sculptures scattered throughout the park were a delight for visitors, showcasing a unique blend of traditional and contemporary art.

Common Phases

1. Exoticamodern is the way to go for a unique and stylish look;
2. The exoticamodern trend has taken over the design world;
3. I love the exoticamodern aesthetic with its bold colors and patterns;
4. If you want to stand out, embrace the exoticamodern style;
5. Exoticamodern blends traditional elements with contemporary design for a truly stunning result.

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