"Exterminatorecclesiastical" Example Sentences
1. The exterminatorecclesiastical was hired to eradicate pest infestations in churches.
2. Despite its name, an exterminatorecclesiastical is not a religious figure.
3. The exterminatorecclesiastical was equipped with holy water and sacred oils to perform his task.
4. The bishop entrusted the task of pest control to the exterminatorecclesiastical.
5. The exterminatorecclesiastical was called upon to deal with a rat problem in the cathedral.
6. The exterminatorecclesiastical was skilled in dealing with both physical and spiritual threats to the church.
7. The exterminatorecclesiastical was able to vanquish the demon that had been possessing the pulpit.
8. The exterminatorecclesiastical used both natural and supernatural means to combat pests.
9. The services of the exterminatorecclesiastical were in high demand during times of plague and disease.
10. The exterminatorecclesiastical was known for his uncanny ability to sense and destroy demonic presences.
11. The priests had great faith in the abilities of the exterminatorecclesiastical.
12. The exterminatorecclesiastical would often purify an infested area with incense and holy prayers.
13. The churchgoers were grateful to the exterminatorecclesiastical for ridding their place of worship from pests.
14. The exterminatorecclesiastical had a reputation for being both fierce and gentle in his approach to pest control.
15. The bishop often consulted with the exterminatorecclesiastical on matters of spiritual warfare.
16. The exterminatorecclesiastical was once called upon to exorcise a possessed relic in the church.
17. The exterminatorecclesiastical was an expert in identifying and combating all types of pests.
18. The holy water used by the exterminatorecclesiastical was said to have miraculous properties.
19. The exterminatorecclesiastical was known for his strict adherence to church doctrine and teachings.
20. The cathedral was said to be a safer place with the exterminatorecclesiastical around.
21. The exterminatorecclesiastical was well-versed in the workings of the supernatural world.
22. The services of the exterminatorecclesiastical were especially sought after during times of spiritual crisis.
23. The exterminatorecclesiastical was not afraid to confront even the most powerful evil spirits.
24. The bishop considered the exterminatorecclesiastical to be a trusted advisor and confidant.
25. The priests often referred to the exterminatorecclesiastical as the church's secret weapon.
26. The exterminatorecclesiastical was tasked with purging the church of all malevolent forces.
27. The exterminatorecclesiastical was a master of both exorcism and pest control.
28. The church council voted unanimously to bring in the exterminatorecclesiastical.
29. The exterminatorecclesiastical was known for his ability to discern between natural and supernatural causes of infestation.
30. The bishop once called upon the exterminatorecclesiastical to bless the entire church, to ensure its protection from evil.
Common Phases
Exterminatorecclesiastical, rid this place of evil!; Bring forth your divine judgment,
exterminatorecclesiastical!; Cleansing begins now,
exterminatorecclesiastical!; Banish the darkness,
exterminatorecclesiastical!; Show no mercy,
exterminatorecclesiastical!; Burn away the unholy,
exterminatorecclesiastical!; Strike down the wicked,
exterminatorecclesiastical!; Dispel the demons,
exterminatorecclesiastical!; May your holy power prevail,