Fabricated example sentences

Related (7): falsified, concocted, made-up, counterfeit, synthetic, artificial, spurious.

"Fabricated" Example Sentences

1. The accusations against him were fabricated and baseless.
2. He fabricated an alibi to avoid suspicion.
3. The news report turned out to be fabricated and not true.
4. She fabricated stories to gain sympathy.
5. The rumors circulating online were completely fabricated.
6. The key to the safe was a fabricated replica.
7. The so-called evidence was fabricated and falsified.
8. The news went viral before people realized it was fabricated.
9. The conspiracy theory was fabricated and lacked any credible sources.
10. The fabricated jewelery looked so real it was hard to tell the difference.
11. The fabricated metal quickly rusted due to poor craftsmanship.
12. He fabricated a story to hide his true motives.
13. The painting turned out to be a fabricated forgery, not an original.
14. The leaked document appeared to have been fabricated to weaken the company.
15. The crisis turned out to be a fabricated publicity stunt.
16. The credentials he presented appeared to have been fabricated.
17. Police later discovered that the attack story had been fabricated.
18. She fabricated excuses to avoid going to work.
19. They fabricated a contraption in the garage to lift heavy things.
20. The whole scheme had been fabricated to cover up their mistakes.
21. The excuse she gave turned out to have been fabricated.
22. The fabricated emergency helped them escape unnoticed.
23. The whole story was fabricated from start to finish.
24. The fabricated shreds of evidence were planted to frame him.
25. The fabricated tale took months to unravel piece by piece.
26. The media soon discovered that the story had been fabricated.
27. The excuse sounded fabricated to avoid responsibility.
28. The history had been fabricated to suit their agenda.
29. The documents appeared to be fabricated to prove a false claim.
30. The text messages turned out to have been fabricated.
31. The evidence presented had clearly been fabricated.
32. The emails purportedly sent by her turned out to have been fabricated.
33. The timeline he presented had clearly been fabricated to fit his narrative.
34. The mysterious phone calls turned out to have been fabricated.
35. It turned out the whole plan had been fabricated as a prank.
36. The photos presented as 'evidence' had clearly been fabricated.
37. The metadata proved that the audio recordings had been fabricated.
38. The hoax letter turned out to have been fabricated.
39. The video interview turned out to have been fabricated using deepfake technology.
40. The alibis provided turned out to have been fabricated.
41. The fabricated charges were quickly dismissed for lack of evidence.
42. The bomb threat turned out to have been fabricated to cause disruption.
43. The supposed quote was quickly exposed as being fabricated.
44. The Instagram photos were later revealed to have been fabricated.
45. The survey results turned out to have been fabricated for publicity.
46. The whole news story turned out to have been fabricated for profit and attention.
47. The fabricated claim quickly spread across social media with no basis in fact.
48. The fabricated diary entries were used to smear the deceased's reputation.
49. The fashion brand was caught trying to fabricate reviews for publicity.
50. The fabricated statistics were intended to manipulate public opinion.
51. The scientific results turned out to have been fabricated.
52. The medical study turns out to have been fabricated.
53. The testimony provided turned out to have been fabricated by the witness.
54. He fabricated multiple alibis to account for his unexplained absences.
55. The entire theory was fabricated with no factual evidence to support it.
56. The results had clearly been fabricated to support the researcher's theory.
57. The email header information proved that the message had been fabricated.
58. The survey was found to have been fabricated to push a political agenda.
59. The list of signatures turned out to have been fabricated.
60. The evidence presented in court proved that the entire story had been fabricated.

Common Phases

1. fabricated evidence
2. fabricated story
3. fabricated claim
4. fabricated alibi
5. fabricated excuse
6. fabricated charge
7. fabricated lie
8. fabricated account
9. fabricated proof
10. fabricated document
11. fabricated data
12. fabricated report
13. fabricated results
14. fabricated quote
15. fabricated statistic

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