Fair example sentences

Related (10): just, impartial, equitable, unbiased, reasonable, honest, objective, evenhanded, neutral, dispassionate.

"Fair" Example Sentences

1. The weather was fair and sunny.
2. The referee was fair and called the game without bias.
3. The boss was fair and gave each employee equal opportunity.
4. The trade deal seemed fair to both sides.
5. The competition had fair rules that applied equally to all participants.
6. The judge listened to both sides of the argument and made a fair ruling.
7. His complexion was fair with light skin and hair.
8. She had long, fair hair that shone in the sun.
9. The wages seemed fair for the job done.
10. He offered a fair price for the house.
11. The school has a fair policy on discipline that is applied consistently.
12. The test was designed to be fair and unbiased.
13. The landlord seemed fair and reasonable in negotiations.
14. She was a beautiful woman with fair features.
15. The town held an annual summer fair with games, rides and food stalls.
16. It was only fair that everyone got a turn at playing.
17. Make sure that the process is fair and transparent.
18. The investigation was carried out fairly without prejudice.
19. The contestants thought the competition was run fairly.
20. Prices at the food stalls seemed fairly reasonable.
21. It's only fair that good work gets recognized and rewarded.
22.Try and be fair in your dealings with others.
23. The employees felt their annual raise was fair and comparable to industry standards.
24. The rules of the game were explained fairly to all participants.
25. She had delicate, fair skin that burned easily in the sun.
26. The dispute was settled fairly through arbitration.
27. She had a fair complexion and platinum blonde hair.
28. The selection process aimed to be fair and nondiscriminatory.
29. The traffic was fairly light on the highway that day.
30. Be fair but firm when disciplining your children.
31. The total amount seems fairly reasonable given the work involved.
32. A fair shake of the dice gave the game true randomness.
33. The student was treated fairly and with due process.
34. The judge tried to be fair and impartial in issuing the ruling.
35. The crowd was mixed fairly evenly between men and women.
36. An impartial jury ensured a fair trial for the defendant.
37. Her long, fair hair was tied back in a ponytail.
38. Treat people fairly and with dignity, regardless of their differences.
39. His skin was fair and freckled from hours in the sun.
40. The competition was meant to be fair and inclusive.
41. The storeowner tried to offer customers fair prices and good service.
42. It's only fair that you help around the house occasionally.
43. The lines at the fair were fairly long and the wait seemed endless.
44. A fair deal is one that benefits both sides to some degree.
45. The employee was treated unfairly and felt discriminated against.
46. His hair was light brown and fair due to many hours in the sun.
47. The fairgrounds were packed with families enjoying the festivities.
48. Think of others and try to be fair in your judgments.
49. The bill seemed fair given the amount and quality of work performed.
50. The goals were fairly evenly distributed between the two teams.
51. The housing development aims for a fair distribution of larger and smaller houses.
52. Be fair but firm when disciplining your children.
53. The winter weather was fairly mild that year.
54. The new law aims for a fair and just legal system.
55. The stall owner charged fairly reasonable prices for food at the fair.
56. The competition was meant to test skills fairly and without bias.
57. Her blonde hair was fair, almost platinum in color.
58. The wages seemed fair for the type and amount of work they did.
59. The plan seemed fairly reasonable and well thought out.
60. The scientific experiment aims for objectivity and fairness in testing hypotheses.

Common Phases

1. Play fair - Act in a way that follows the rules and is just and ethical.
2. Give someone a fair chance - Provide a real opportunity for someone to succeed or prove themselves.
3. Give someone a fair go - Allow someone an equal opportunity.
4. Fair enough - Used to show agreement or acceptance, though sometimes reluctantly.
5. Fair-weather friend - Someone who is only friendly when things are going well.
6. Go to the fair - Attend an amusement park with games, rides, food stands, etc.
7. Have fair skin - Have light-colored skin that burns easily in the sun.
8. Run a fair - Host a festival-like gathering with games, food, music, etc.
9. Hold something fair and square - Do something honestly and without cheating or deception.
10. Turn a fair profit - Earn a reasonable and ethically acceptable amount of money.
11. Fair-haired - Having light-colored hair, often blonde or light brown.
12. Once in a blue moon - Very rarely or infrequently. (this is an idiom, not a phrase with 'fair')

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