Fallbacks example sentences

Related (11): alternatives, contingencies, backups, substitutes, stand-ins, reserves, contingents, failsafes, fall-throughs, redundancies, duplications

"Fallbacks" Example Sentences

1. The company had to implement fallbacks when their primary server crashed.
2. We need to have fallbacks in place in case the new system fails.
3. The designer incorporated multiple fallbacks in the website to ensure accessibility.
4. It's always best to have fallbacks in case of unexpected circumstances.
5. To avoid any disruptions, the team created multiple fallbacks for the event.
6. The system was designed with built-in fallbacks for security purposes.
7. Fallbacks are necessary to maintain continuity when unforeseen issues arise.
8. The team had to switch to their fallback plan after the initial strategy didn't work.
9. The website has a set of fallbacks for different devices and browsers.
10. In case of power failure, the building has a set of fallbacks for emergency lighting.
11. It's important to have fallbacks in place for data backup and recovery.
12. The program has a series of fallbacks to avoid crashes and errors.
13. The server was set up with multiple fallbacks to ensure reliability.
14. The backup generator is a necessary fallback in case of power outages.
15. The system administrator implemented fallbacks to prevent data loss.
16. The design team integrated fallbacks to optimize loading times for users.
17. Fallbacks can help mitigate risks and prevent system failure.
18. The team created multiple fallbacks for communication channels in case of emergency.
19. It's always good practice to have fallbacks for critical systems in case of failure.
20. Without fallbacks, a minor hiccup can quickly turn into a catastrophic event.
21. The website's fallbacks include alternative stylesheets for visually impaired users.
22. The network infrastructure was designed with redundant fallbacks to ensure maximum uptime.
23. Fallbacks can help prevent downtime and maintain productivity.
24. The development team included fallbacks to support older browsers and devices.
25. In the event of an unexpected error, fallbacks can help provide a seamless experience for users.
26. The team implemented a series of fallbacks to accommodate high traffic for the website launch.
27. With proper planning and implementation, fallbacks can help keep operations running smoothly
28. Fallbacks are essential for disaster recovery and business continuity planning.
29. The software includes a series of fallbacks to handle errors and crashes.
30. The IT team set up a series of fallbacks to ensure the network remains secure.

Common Phases

1. As a fallback, we could always try plan B;
2. If all else fails, there is always the fallback of starting over;
3. In case of emergency, we have a fallback plan in place;
4. As a fallback option, we can revert to our old methods;
5. Should the need arise, we have fallback measures to fall back on;
6. With no other options left, our only fallback is to improvise;
7. As a last resort, we can always employ fallback procedures;
8. In case of unexpected challenges, we have fallback solutions ready;
9. Our fall back strategy is to reconsider our priorities;
10. As a fallback plan, we can seek assistance from external sources.

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